
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Claire for inviting me to read this book.

Happy Publication Day!!

A lovely humorous take on the life of a mum of 3 kids with all its bells and whistles.

My first book by author Rebecca Smith, and I was smiling/laughing my way at the antics of this family. The main character mum Hannah was etched in a detailed manner. Losing her job, becoming a part time English teacher and looking after 3 kids and a husband, she had to find her humor, else go bonkers. Fast.

I loved the way the author wrote the incidents in Hannah’s life. They were the perfect snapshots where I got to see her life. Some of the incidents were so real, not that I am admitting to the disaster with the wax strip. But you know what I mean. And then Hannah decided to write a book. Genre: Erotica… Yes… The research led to some hilarious moments of being made fun by the entire family… Sometimes, some books do remain on kindle.

Situations in this mum’s life were tough, and it was wonderful to see her rising above it and find solution, at least try to find one. Some battles were not worth fighting/arguing for especially with teens. Every line was written with a honest heart. I loved seeing this mum finding her way out to be more than what she was.

A sweet humorous read. Definitely worth a look into. One needs laughter in life.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Hannah Thompson loves her family beyond words… but sometimes, just sometimes, she wishes she could be recognised as more than just ‘mum’.

Eldest son Dylan is soon to be flying the nest, sixteen-year-old Scarlet keeps asking about penalties for worryingly specific crimes, they’ve forgotten world book day and Benji absolutely will not be Where’s Wally again, and it’s at least two days before she and hubby Nick can sit down for Wine Wednesdays… and even longer until Fizzy Friday.

Determined to find herself a job that she loves, earn a whole lot of money and to have her teenagers respect her as ‘Hannah’ as well as ‘mum’; it might sound like a tall order, but she’s a mum on a mission.

Publication Date: 7th December 2019

Publisher: One More Chapter

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