
Digital Reads Reviews

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This was a murder mystery which traversed from the case of the body in the suitcase to the body in the box. My first book by the author Shawn Reilly Simmons in the series of Red Carpet Catering with Penelope at the helm, a chef and an amateur detective.

The story occured in the Vitrine Theatre in NYC where a case of fraudulent identity led to murder. Penelope being the caterer to the dancing troupe of the theatre found herself right in the midst of it all, with clues leaping out to her. She did manage to solve most of the plot, though the ghostly one was left for another day.

The book left me with mixed emotions, my niggles couldn’t be silenced. I wanted more of a solid investigation, it gave me bits of it. I wanted all the clues falling well in together, I was left with unanswered questions. Since I have not read the rest in the series, it left me feeling like an outsider who was not connected to the main character.

The book did keep me stuck to it on a dreary Sunday as I really wanted to know the reason why the bodies were strangulated and stabbed and stuffed in a tiny place. The 3S…

I received an ARC from Edelweiss and publisher Henery Press, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be found here

Publication Date: 13th November 2018

Publisher: Henery Press

35 Responses

  1. Ah you’re on Edelweiss now. I still have to check them out. Happy on only NG for now… well my TBR is. Lol
    I like food in a cozy… well.. I like food… 😉
    It still sounds like a series I’d consider… but I guess I’d need to start from Book 1. Lol. I know for some series you can get away with popping in mid series.

  2. I liked it better than you did, but I have followed this series from the start. Even when something works as a stand-alone, the enjoyment factor may be enhanced by more background.

  3. I’ve read some reviews with similar reservations to the ones you mentioned. But the theatre setting is formally tempting to me. I might give this series a try. Awesome review!

  4. Nice review Shalini. I have read all the books in this series except this one. They are shorter stories, so unfortunately, not as well developed but usually fun.

      1. Hello Shalini! Nice to read you full of fun! Oh yes, our weekend meetings are great. Would be much more greater sipping something together. Time will show. I am always busy, as yourself, i think. Its Germany here. We are only 80 billion people, with politicans not able to understand the usage of internet. 😉 I think the Chinese drove behind the moon to look where our german politicans really came from. ***lol*** Wish you a very nice and successful week. Michael

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