
Digital Reads Reviews

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This post contains affiliate links for products and services I recommend. If you make a purchase through those links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

Huge apologies to publisher Bookouture and publicists Sarah, Noelle, and Kim for the lateness of my post. Extremely sorry.


You know when you read a Sheryl Browne book, the first thing that happens is that the brain cells go zipping and zapping, trying to see those invisible connection, the subplots, the author could have made in the story.

The same thing happened here too. Just a few pages into the story and my heart lurched with excitement, my mind started mapping all the subplots that could happen. There was a delicious forbidden feeling in it as if the author was bringing the impending suspense to light, enhanced by my own anticipations.

Four POVs of the main characters. Sarah was a good mother to son Ollie. But when the ex brought his girlfriend, Laura, into picture, all her antennae rose in alertness, warning her of an unknown danger. Then Ollie went missing.

This started slowly giving me enough time to think how these characters could be connected. I had a few theories based on everyone’s reactions. Though only one came true. The rest were twisted by the wicked author Sheryl Browne.

This was a different thriller; there was drama in the lives of all these characters. I was quite taken aback by the mini whirlpool of emotions surrounding them. Quite a novel idea. The plotline was so carefully written that seeing all these tiny pictures I lost sight of the main arc. Damn that was some sleight of the hand!!

I completely missed guessing the perp. I hope to do better in the next Sheryl Browne book. If the author ever reads my review, consider yourself forewarned!! 😂 😂

I may have been late in writing this review, but it is never too late to pick up this book!!


Rating: 5 out of 5.


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She told my little boy a secret and now he’s gone…

Tucking her little boy Ollie into bed one night, Sarah notices his beloved teddy bear, which she bought him when he was born, is missing and in its place is a new toy given to him by her ex-husband’s new girlfriend, Laura. When she asks Ollie about it, he begins to shift uncomfortably, before whispering ‘Laura told me a big secret and she said I can never tell you’.

Sarah’s heart sinks. But when she raises her concerns, nobody wants to listen. To everyone else, Laura is the perfect stepmother and Sarah is just the jealous ex-wife. But Sarah knew the moment she met Laura she couldn’t trust her, from her overly perfect stepmother act to the way she evaded questions about her own history.

Soon Ollie is asking to spend more time with his dad and Laura, and shrinking away from Sarah. Then, when she calls to him in the garden one day, Ollie doesn’t answer back. The garden is silent. Ollie’s sandpit is empty. Ollie has disappeared.


Publication Date: April 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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