
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Boldwood Books for my spot on this Blog Tour.

I’ve always thought author Shari Low is brilliant. JUST. BLOODY. BRILLIANT. I loved everything about this book.

“I just need to know…which one of you slept with my husband?”

4 sisters Zoé, Yvie, Marion, and Verity. Zoe was married a month ago, but the marriage broke up just after a month. Her husband had strayed. And she found that the hotel room was paid for Ms. Dalton, which could be ANY OF HER SISTERS. What cheek!!

I loved how the author had captured the lives of the sisters, each one so different, yet so similar in their dependence on each other. It had the sisterly bond and a bit of mystery along with the various dynamics that ran between them. Love was at the core, but sometimes taking for granted covered that. Their interactions were zingy, their secrets so delicious. It was like unwrapping each layer of the shiny paper to get to the gift. Yes, that’s exactly what this book was – a gift!!

I was in a book slump and generally down with life. This book perked me right up. The need to see how the lives of the sisters progressed and which of the sisters did the dark tango between the sheets, had the gossipy part of me all livened up. And the words chosen by the author had my curiosity bouncing (pun unintended) … It was that kinda book

For me, the book was complete. An entertainer. A way to escape my problems and calm my furrowed brow.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

You know that ‘till death do us part’ bit in the wedding vows? Well Zoe Dalton believed it. She walked up the aisle thinking that she was strolling to her happy ever after.

One month later, her heart is in pieces, she’s returning the wedding gifts and there’s a husband-shaped space next to her in bed. He’s gone, after Zoe discovered a devastating secret.

But Zoe has lost so much more than her marriage. Her three sisters are not only her siblings, they’re her best friends too.

Now she’s discovered that one of them may have been the reason her husband betrayed her.

She’s lost her happy ever after, but has she lost a sister too?

Publication Date: January 2020

14 Responses

  1. ah, dear Shalini, you still having some depression issues? dr blogger here to recommend Pantothenic Acid (it’s a B vitamin–as i’m sure you know), but did wonders for me after nothing else worked. well, all to say, you did certainly seem to perk up with this delightful review! and what’s “the dark tango between the sheets?” ha! loved it and you got a chuckle and quick perk up from me as well. i appreciate it. even if you get down, remember how much we who follow you count on your wit and bookish wisdom.

    1. The downs have been more than ups. But that’s life. I hate it when it affects my reading life. Add to the problems, no wifi and laptop crash, I was bereft. Hahaha.. What a week it has been.
      Will have the B complex. I generally do have them for general health. But haven’t been regular in the past month.
      Hahaha well it was an illegal tango… 😂 😂

  2. I have heard of losing your husband to your best friend. I thought that was the ultimate in betrayal, but this is even worse! Good review, Shalini!

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