
Digital Reads Reviews

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A beautiful book from the cover to the prose to the emotions. Jessica Redland’s books make me feel all warm and gooey inside.

This book had Sarah’s search for The One. An old clairvoyant prediction got her searching for a man called Steven who was to be her soul mate, in spite of being attracted to Nick. Suddenly, there was a spate of Stevens surrounding her, including an old boyfriend whose middle name was Steven. Whom would she choose?

Having read many of this author’s books, I knew I would get a book with the feels. This had bucket loads of humor as Sarah kept searching for her Steven. Friendships bloomed with Clare and Elise. I loved how the author etched Sarah, slowly developing her down the pages from a woman who believed in prediction to someone who soon started trusting her heart.

The words by the author were captivating, the plot kept my curiosity ramped up. It was an amusing, lovable two hours where I knew HEA was a given, but the journey to that goal included a lot of soul searching and listening to friends. All that made it a rocking ride.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

When Sarah Peterson accepts her Auntie Kay’s unexpected offer to take over her florist’s shop, she’s prepared for a change of job, home and lifestyle. What she isn’t prepared for is the discovery of a scarily accurate clairvoyant reading that’s been missing for twelve years. All her predictions have come true, except one: she’s about to meet the man of her dreams. Oh, and his name is Steven.

Suddenly Stevens are everywhere. Could it be the window cleaner, the rep, the manager of the coffee shop, or any of the men she’s met online?

On top of that, she finds herself quite attracted to a handsome web designer, but his name isn’t even Steven…

During this unusual search, will Sarah find her destiny?

Publication Date: February 2020

11 Responses

  1. Thank you so much, Shalini, for such a lovely review. So glad it gave you the feels. This was the first ever book and the real-life premise behind it opened up the floodgate of ideas and led to me being an author so it holds a special place in my heart. Thrilled that you enjoyed Sarah’s journey xx

    1. No no… This is the same book you have reviewed. Getting over Gary… Just revamped by the publisher with a new cover. You have read it… You didn’t miss out

    2. Hi Empress DJ, lovely to hear from you! As Shalini said, you’ve already read this one. This was Searching for Steven and Shalini has just reviewed Finding Love at Lighthouse Cove too which was Getting Over Gary. I have another revised one coming out next month – Coming Home to Seashell Cottage – which was previously Dreaming About Daran. Last month, Making Wishes at Bay View was published which is a revised and combined version of Raving About Rhys and Callie’s Christmas Wish. They all got a fresh edit, new titles and new covers as part of my publishing deal with Boldwood Books.

      My most recent brand new book was The Secret to Happiness out in September last year. Not sure if you’ve had an opportunity to read that one and so sorry if you have and I’ve missed it on your blog. I have another brand new one coming out in July this year which will kick-start a new series.

      Jessica xx

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