
Digital Reads Reviews

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What a bloody ride this book was. Every line, every scene was a thrill. The twists and turns had me gasping. Most times, I didn’t know where the story would go. The author Heather Chavez did a brilliant job writing this heart pumping thriller with a kick-ass protagonist Cassie who would do anything to protect her family.

Cassie was coming home from work. She saw a woman being accosted by a man. Out she went to help the woman, the man stole the truck with her purse inside which had the details of her family. Then while trick or treating with the daughter, her husband Sam disappeared and news of his affair reached her. Cassie went searching for the truth…and man, the truths she found had my pulse racing.


My first book by this author, I was blown away with every chapter. I just couldn’t let go of my kindle even when sleep demanded its stay. The author had some wicked moves on her when she dreamed of such a plot. Every step seemed well choreographed. I couldn’t ever predict Cassie’s moves. Or where the author would take her.

If there was ever a book with attack, gun shot, hacking, trackers on cars, hidden cameras, being hit, kidnapped, abuse, buried, rammed by a car, being thrown out of a moving car, it was this book. It had everything to make it a roller coaster ride. The web of deceit and lies spread across the pages with every crawl of the spider to the point I didn’t know what to believe. I was crazy lost in the capers until I knew I had to get to the end.

The truths revealed had me laughing evilly at the way the author thought it up. It was nothing short of brilliant. I wouldn’t even in a million years have guessed them. I was beyond shocked. Wow!! This was one heck of a book.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Driving home one rainy night, Cassie Larkin sees a man and woman fighting on the side of the road. After calling 911, the veterinarian makes a split-second decision that will throw her sedate suburban life into chaos. Against all reason and advice, she gets out of her minivan and chases after the violent man, trying to help his victim. When Cassie physically tries to stop him, he suddenly turns on her and spits out an ominous threat: “Let her die, and I’ll let you live.”

A veterinarian trained to heal, Cassie can’t let the woman die. But while she’s examining the unconscious victim, the attacker steals her car. Now he has her name. Her address. And he knows about her children. Though they warn her to be careful, the police assure her that the perpetrator—a criminal named Carver Sweet—won’t get near her. Cassie isn’t so sure.

The next day—Halloween—her husband disappears while trick-or-treating with their six-year-old daughter. Are these disturbing events a coincidence or the beginning of a horrifying nightmare? Her husband has been growing distant—is it possible he’s become involved with another woman? Is Cassie’s confrontation with the road-side attacker connected to her husband’s disappearance? With all these questions swirling in her mind Cassie can trust no one, maybe not even herself. The only thing she knows for sure is that she can’t sit back while the people she loves are in danger.

As she desperately searches for answers, Cassie discovers that nothing is as random as it seems, and that she is more than willing to fight—to go the most terrifying extremes—to save her family and her marriage.

Publication Date: February 2020

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      1. I a contributing reviewer to FanFiAddict.com. We would be happy for you to follow us there. It is a Word Press Blog, so you should be able to find it in the reader. Mostly Sci-Fi/Fantasy, but some Mystery/Thriller, as well.

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