
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Gina and Cheryl and PICT for my spot on this Blog Tour.

A fun book by author Andrea Kane (she has launched her website fionamckayjewelry.com) which had a mystery swilumg into its depths, with clues drawn in the tapestry panels.

Fiona’s mentor Rose was the antiquities dealer who was highly knowledgeable about Celtic designs and was helping her tesearch her ancestral tapestry panels. One evening, Fiona found her dead. The shock made her rush to her brother Ryan and his team Forensics Instincts, and they started investigating. I had to say quite a few villains popped up.

My first book by this talented author, the hidden mystery in the tapestry pulled me in. The writing was detailed, giving me hints of the secret, that was quite tantalizing. Nothing could shake off the track from my goal of knowing what those clues meant. Hidden treasure came to mind and stayed there.

The second half when the truths started unfurling was where the adventure began. It was a race against time to see who reached it first. I kept hoping for the good guys, and they were a cohesive lot who had different talents. This was the eighth book, so getting to know them took time. I had to get oriented to the fact that every character had equal parts without the book being purely Fiona’s story.

Ryan and Claire along with Casey were thorough in their investigation. The author could give them equal pages in the story. As you would think, the final race against the baddies was exciting and tension filled.

Something about this book gave me an old fashioned thrill. There was romance and banter, but the focus was always on the clues hidden in the Celtic designs. I quite liked that…

I received a free ARC from Cheryl and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Jewelry designer Fiona McKay is working on her latest collection of Celtic-inspired jewelry. She’s excited by the possibilities uncovered by Rose Flaherty, the antiquities dealer helping her research the heirloom tapestries inspiring her new collection. So when Rose calls to tell her she has answers, Fiona hurries to meet her. But her artistic world is shattered when she finds the lifeless body of the elderly woman.

Why would anyone kill such a harmless person? And what if Fiona had arrived just a few minutes earlier? Would she have been killed as well? Unnerved, she heads for her brother’s Brooklyn apartment seeking advice and comfort.

Ryan McKay, Forensic Instincts’ technology wiz is not amused by his little sister interrupting his evening with his girlfriend and co-worker, Claire Hedgleigh. But when Ryan and Claire hear the details of Rose’s murder, they fear that Fiona could be next, and quickly assume the role of her protectors. What they’re unaware of is how many people are desperately seeking the information now buried along with Rose.

A former IRA sniper. A traitorous killer who worked for the British. Two vicious adversaries taking their epic battle to America. A secret Irish hoard as the grand prize in a winner takes all fight to the death.

As the story woven into the tapestries passed down from McKay mother to daughter unravels, Forensic Instincts realizes that Fiona and her family are in grave danger. Together, the team must stay one step ahead of two rival assassins or risk Fiona’s life and the McKay family tree.

Publication Date: March 2020

12 Responses

    1. Ah darling, my reviews are kinda sparse now as my brain cells think only of the situation outside…. 😂 😂 You would have to roll your eyes and smirk at all my future ones… I am not happy with what I have written… 😂 😂 But brain says I can’t think anymore

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