
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Kim Nash and publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour

This book made me cry, my heart is all wrenched out, my emotions are so raw that even breathing feels like a friction burn. The story depicted a situation in life where everyone was right, and everything was so wrong too.

Milly couldn’t have a child due to early menopause that devastated and nearly destroyed her and husband Matt. So her best friend Anna offered to donate her egg for IVF, and Matt’s brother Jack decided to give his sperm. The embryo was implanted into Milly, and child Alice ensued. Post Caesarian section, Milly had post partum depression due to which Anna stepped up and looked after Alice, who was genetically her own child and love enveloped her, she wanted Alice for herself. Things happened and she was banned from Matt, Milly, and Alice’s lives. Till a devastating truth caused Milly to call Anna after 5 years.

Kate Hewitt was brilliant in this book, her writing pure magic. Every word was so poignant and so seeped in emotion that I couldn’t help following her down the roads of darkness and pain. Then like the rising sun bringing the hope of a brighter tomorrow, Kate brought me to the crossroads of life where there was not only pain but hope and joy at the little things that we should be thankful for. The characters were etched from the depths of the author’s heart, they were real, they were true and oh so honest with their emotions. The feelings they evoked in me caused me to write this review with a film of tears.

The chapters were short absolute perfect while reading, each line left me with the anticipation to know more. The story kept me hooked to it from beginning to end, and I think Kate Hewitt is my most favorite author, even when she made me cry, especially since she made me cry.

The entire afternoon, I could not help but fall into the magical world of the author, the plot arc was a dark truth, but every letter inscribed on paper, was carved into my heart. It had the power to drag me from the reality of my life. One cannot help but long to hug and thank such an author.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be found here

Milly always dreamed of being a mother. Adopted herself, she has always imagined a powerful intimate connection with a child of her own. So when she and her husband Matt are told they can’t have children, her dreams are shattered.

But then their loved ones offer the ultimate gift – Milly’s best friend Anna and Matt’s brother Jack will be donors so that Milly can carry a child and finally have a chance to be a mother. And with everyone accepting and open, Milly believes that nothing could go wrong.

Except none of the four people involved are prepared for the feelings that will threaten their most important relationships as their precious, longed-for daughter Alice grows up…

But when Alice turns four, she receives a heartbreaking diagnosis. And the four people who love her best will have to decide what it means to be a parent, and to make decisions with far-reaching and devastating consequences… for Alice, and for themselves.

Publication Date: 2nd May 2019

Publisher: Bookouture

67 Responses

          1. Here about this village? Look at my third last insta image. The maypole errection. Therefore they – our official got 5000.– Euro – and they only “produced” a toothstick lost by aliens. LoL

    1. Have a great weekend too Leslie baby… I cried buckets. Today I read 2 good books so hoping to take on a third. After a long time, out of reading slump

  1. I love Kate Hewitt’s books, Shalini. Your review was incredible of this one, so I’m heading over to Amazon right now to add it to my cart.

  2. I love the cover and I got emotional just by reading your review! Now, even though I know that there’s 98% chance I’ll cry if I read this, I’ll be adding it to my TBR.

      1. And you really showed it in your review. Only few reviewers touch me this much.

        I tried to find it Goodreads but the book is not listed yet. Sigh. I’ll just bookmark your post for now so I won’t forget it.

  3. This would be a heart squeezer – lovely review. I’m buying stock in tissues.

    1. A very tough topic. I kept screaming that take eggs from anonymous donor… Less emotional upheaval… But it was sad topic as the chapters progressed and child became ill. I kept crying…. Need tissues, will cry

  4. What a moving review! I love Kate’s books and I really like to hear that this one had such an impact on you. I can’t wait to read it soon.

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