
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Anne Cater and Random Things Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.

This was an unexpected read. The story gripped me from the blurb itself. It was a slow burn mystery where the author D. W. Gillespie had set up a great aura of horror and creepiness.

Frank, Debra, Dean and Alice moved into a new house which was the beginning of their end. Soon family members started disappearing, and it was left to the youngest daughter Alice to get to the truth. A diary found led her slowly and surely down a path of investigation.

Wow. I enjoyed the entire feel of the book. The twist at the end was expectedly unexpected. The author’s writing had fear creeping into my veins as the pages turned. I read the book with all the lights switched on. I found myself so immersed in the horrific vibe of the book that it shocked me.

Family dynamics were explored in such a setting. Alice was brilliant in her role. The book kept me at the edge wanting to know everything that was written in the diary. There was a desperation in me which forced me to read this book at one go. Fabulous!!

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

A fan of all things dark and horrific, D.W. Gillespie has been writing horror, sci-fi, and fantasy for longer than he would like to admit. After years of daydreaming, he started taking it seriously in college after a creative writing class helped spark his motivation.

After winning a local writing award, he realized that his path forward was clear. In the years since, he’s been featured in many publications, both online and in print. He’s the author of more than a dozen novels, including The Toy Thief, Still Dark, and Handmade Monsters. A lifelong native of Middle Tennessee, he still lives there today with his wife and two children.

For One by One, Gillespie was influenced by his experience of moving houses often when growing up. One particular house was supposedly haunted (according to previous tenants) and became specially inspirational, and he knew he wanted it to feature in one of his books as a character in the story.

The Easton family has just moved into their new fixer-upper, a beautiful old house that they bought at a steal, and Alice, the youngest of the family, is excited to explore the strange, new place. Her excitement turns to growing dread as she discovers a picture hidden under the old wallpaper, a child s drawing of a family just like hers.

Soon after, members of the family begin to disappear, each victim marked on the child s drawing with a dark black X. It s up to her to unlock the grim mystery of the house before she becomes the next victim.

Publication Date: 26th September 2019

Publisher: Flame Tree Press

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