
Digital Reads Reviews

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Black Rock Falls rocks!! I know, I know it was poor alliteration. But the sheriff and her team really uplifted the book and made author D. K. Hood’s story come alive.

I knew that I should have said it the other way around. But there was something so real about Sheriff Jenna and Deputy Kane that it felt that they had a life of their own and were indeed leading the investigation in the real world rather than in the dark realms of the author’s brain.

Book 10 and Kane would get a shock to know some truths from his past when they were called to assist the FBI after a bomb blast and a missing teen. It was fun to see Jenna and Kane working with the new members, this time much closely. A little friction between them was realistically written.

The story had its twists, and reveal was a shocker. What I especially liked was the banter between Dave and Jenna, though their attraction which had arisen in earlier books was missing. Suspense and race against time was subtly built and like the other books, the killer did hit close to home when the entire team rose to fight as one.

Overall, a great police procedural, just as expected from this author.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


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The young girl pushes against the backseat of the family sedan, fighting to free herself from the crude ties restricting her hands and feet. As the car speeds toward the edge of town, she looks back at her family home, and watches in horror as it suddenly explodes in a mass of flames. Trembling with fear, she turns toward the driver and hears only laughter. She knows that the worst is yet to come…

Detective Jenna Alton surveys the charred remains of the large suburban home, stopping to pause at the three lifeless bodies of the Woods family. Jenna knows she’s looking for a serial killer, but her priority is finding the missing teenage daughter last seen on the night of the inferno.

Days later, Sophie Woods’s body is discovered floating in a shallow pool of crystal-clear water – known locally as Dead Man’s Drop – but Jenna still doesn’t know who would target the quiet family in such a brutal attack.

Delving into the family’s past, she makes a shocking discovery – a link between the killer and someone connected to her deputy David Kane. If Jenna is right and the killer is back and seeking revenge, then she must act fast to keep her deputy safe.

When another girl is taken, Jenna and David follow the trail into a network of underground caves on the outskirts of town. With little time before the killer claims his next victim, they race into the pitch-black tunnels, unsure whether they have just walked into the killer’s trap. Can they find the girl in time and escape the caves without the killer chasing them down?


Publication Date: November 2020

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

4 Responses

  1. I am reading this author for the first time and had no inkling there was an attraction between Dave and Jenna – there were certainly no sparks in this book.

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