
Digital Reads Reviews

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What do you do when you find someone whose embrace you never want to leave? Right, there you go. YOU READ IT SLOWLY

Rebecca Raisin’s book had the same effect on me. The story was simple, oft done before, Rosie’s husband has an affair, she buys her traveling tea van and wants to get out of London, and off she goes in the van to Brighton at first where she meets Aria or nearly tries to kill her while parking her van. The entire book is a journey of Rosie finding herself and getting her mojo back along with a little romance or two.

The whole book was written beautifully, every line gave me powerful visuals, I loved the quirky characters which form the group the Van Lifer who spent their time traveling in their vans selling their wares.

Rosie’s cakes and teas had me salivating to try them all, not sure about spotted dick, which is supposed to be a pudding. Ah well, as said before, great visuals these words gave. The only niggle, I had read 90% of the book, yet Rosie kept falling back to her old London ways of fear, not trusting anyone, always wanting to be safe. The past had a firm hold on her. I wanted to see her fly well before the book ended.

Overall, a fab read, I loved the book for giving me daydreams, and the book loved me back in its own way. It was warm and soothing.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher HQ Digital, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be found here

The book made me long for my dreams, it gave me the skies to soar, it gave me an intense yearning to be with my girls Nina and Nicole, though 3 of us in that small van would be bonkers. But we can turns to sleep on the roof, or tent, or floor. I can’t cook, so cakes would be Nina’s department, brews would be Nicole’s, and me? What would I do?

I would love to hear your answers bloggers and friends. Any suggestions?

A swanky job as a Michelin-Starred Sous Chef, a loving husband and future children scheduled for exactly January 2021.

That’s until she comes home one day to find her husband’s pre-packed bag and a confession that he’s had an affair.

Heartbroken and devastated, Rosie drowns her sorrows in a glass (or three) of wine, only to discover the following morning that she has spontaneously invested in a bright pink campervan to facilitate her grand plans to travel the country.

Now, Rosie is about to embark on the trip of a lifetime, and the chance to change her life! With Poppy, her new-found travelling tea shop in tow, nothing could go wrong, could it…?

Publication Date: 3rd March 2019

Publisher: HQ Digital

59 Responses

  1. I don’t know if a road trip with loved ones would be my thing. Maybe an autumn hiking trip? Don’t ya love it when a book is so good you don’t want it to end? This one sounds great.

  2. I’m pretty sure you’d be in charge of the whole operation. 😘
    Lovely review darling. I know what you mean about connecting with a story and not wanting to leave it’s sweet embrace.
    As for Spotted Dick…. I’ve heard it’s tastes good but the name…. hahaha. Besides I’ve only ever seen it in restaurants and then I’d just end up having a cheesecake or creme brûlée or chocolate… okay, now I want dessert! And tea!

  3. I so wanted to binge eat desserts after reading this book! I’ll admit it made me dream about starting fresh doing something I love too. I’m glad you liked it!

    1. Hahaha I have been reading only cozies so all of them have deserts on it… So my hips are jiggling a bit too much and I don’t kind of fit into my jeans 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂

  4. I loved this book – I’m so glad you did too!! I want to own my very own “Poppy” and go traveling all around! Okay, specially I want to travel to all of the places that she traveled to – LOL! I’ve seen all of the US. It’s time to spread my own wings and go further. Great review as always Shalini!

  5. Oooo, this one sounds so delightful. Lovely review Shalini. I have read about Spotted Dick before and I always laugh (I know I am like a little kid sometimes). I don’t know if I would try it though. So glad you enjoyed this one, it is in my queue to read, just not sure when. And I agree with Nina, I could definitely see you organizing this whole thing. 🤪😁

    1. Aaah, that’s so sweet of you to say that. I loved your comment… I was rolling in laughter when the main character offered this hunky macho American man some spotted dick and he ran away in a panic 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. This too had cakes and lots of tea… 😂 😂 😂 My hips are jiggling baby, luckily I controlled and just kept to tea while reading this

        1. I had to, I can’t fit into my jeans. So now I am back to my twisted thrillers with murders which make me lose appetite
          .. Hopefully it should help my self control 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

          1. I haven’t been too diligent on checking things… I just finished replying to comments that were made a week ago… Someone keeps stealing all my time. 😕 I don’t know where it keeps going…

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