
Digital Reads Reviews

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A beautiful story which warmed my heart and carried me to the coasts of Ireland into the wee village of Killrowan on the West Cork. The very talented Aimee Alexander had penned the difficult topics in the story with the quill of sensitivity and courage. Every word, every line spoke to me. It showed the strength of a woman when she took the decision to fight for herself and her children.

Grace ran away from Dublin with her kids to escape an abusive husband and reached the place of her childhood. Her home. Her dad. Dr. Sullivan. Here she was called Young Dr. Sullivan. This was her story of second chance at life and career.

My first book by this author, oh how had I never read any of her earlier books. The story was inspiring. It was daring. It bespoke about a woman kept cowered with an iron fist who found her courage with the support of her teenage kid. The story was all about relationships, the biggest one being relationship with oneself and being true to one’s own heart.

I loved how Grace stepped up. Fear dogged her steps, but she lifted herself beyond it to prove herself to be Young Dr. Sullivan. Warmth sparkled in the words between mum and her children, a daughter with her father, a doctor with her patients. The author had interjected the entire prose with meanings, some subtle between the lines, some clear in the face.

Emotions coursed through the story; some were gentle which brought a smile to my face; and others, stormy, crashing the placid flow of the prose. I was pitched through all of them, wanting nothing more than to be with Grace and family.

An soothing tale which uplifted my spirits and brought a cheer to my soul, Aimee Alexander sure knew how to draw me in with her characters and their circumstances. A deeply emotive read.

I received a free ARC the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Grace Sullivan flees Dublin with her two teenage children, Jack and Holly, returning to the sleepy West Cork village where she grew up. No one in Killrowan knows what Grace is running from – or that she’s even running. She’d like to keep it that way.

Taking over from her father, Des, as the village doctor offers a real chance for Grace to begin again. But will she and the family adapt to life in a small rural community? Will the villagers accept an outsider as their GP? Will Grace live up to the doctor that her father was? And will she find the inner strength to face the past when it comes calling?

Publication Date: April 2020

29 Responses

    1. Reminded me of my own relationships, where I didn’t find the courage for many years. Now I am left wondering if I choose people who would play games in a relationship.

    1. This was sooooo good. I loved the idea of finding courage to get out of an abusive relationship. I have stayed back in life as I didn’t want to break away, hoping he would change. Stupidity

    1. I have done so too. I loved it. The main character was flawed even when I was angry when she didn’t seem to show courage at once, I realized I too didn’t have the courage to break away from a relationship which was not working.

      1. It took me twenty eight years to work up the courage to do that, Shalini. But my relationship wasn’t only not working, it was abusive. So don’t beat yourself up over it. It took me that long to figure out that I was stronger than I thought I was. Be kind to yourself. ❤😍📚☕🍪

      1. I am not the big traveller. The last years only in the region. As the officials said, we here in the village only had one infected person, not more. A visitor from the Watchtower Society in the past told me the village is the “entrance to hell”. Maybe the virus fears the devils face. Lol

  1. Beautiful review of what sounds like a lovely story with a strong message. I am going to add this one to my TBR and see if I can find it sooner rather than later.

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