
Digital Reads Reviews

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A great roller-coaster ride of a book that had me excited from the first page to last. I knew not what I was getting into when I started this, but to be a coroner had been one of my wishes years ago. With much gusto, I started reading.

Emily had come home after being estranged from her father for 12 years, just to see her dad dying with a secret about her past on his lips. On the day of his funeral, bones had been found in a construction area which belonged to a girl who disappeared a decade ago. The sheriff was the last seen person, and Emily had to work hard to prove his innocence…or probably his guilt.

My first book by Jennifer Graeser Dornbush, and a secret thrill gripped from the very first chapter. The entire town though friendly seemed to be enveloped in secrets. The pack had its own rules. I love a book with secrets. Each page turned brought a new reveal until Emily got to investigating.

Jennifer’s writing had me in a thrall, come on, who doesn’t get excited by dead body and bones? OK… Just me probably. This had me in glee when twists too were enmeshed in the investigation. I would have liked more of investigation and less of her personal life. But that’s small town county for you. And of course, the author ended it brilliantly with an expectedly unexpected ending.

Overall, a delightful read over breakfast where I was at peace after reading a few cutesy books. This got me right there – in my thriller-y heart.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

It’s been 12 years since Sandi Parkman went missing after being dropped off at home by her schoolmate, Nick Larson, now the Sheriff of Freeport, Michigan. When a construction crew unearths Sandi’s bones–along with Nick’s letterman jacket and one of his hairs–Nick becomes suspect number one in the murder.

Dr. Emily Hartford, the daughter of Freeport’s medical examiner, is called in to investigate, but the case is about to get personal. Nick was Emily’s high school love, and now she has to either clear his name–or contend that he’s the killer. As she delves into the case, a host of other suspects emerge: a coterie of Nick’s jock friends from high school; Sandi’s sister, Tiffany, now a dancer at a local strip club; and James VanDerMuellen, a trust funder who’s recently returned to Freeport.

As the autumn skies darken over Freeport and the holiday season looms, Emily must sift through more than Sandi’s brittle bones to solve the case. Can she exonerate Nick–and rekindle their long-smoldering romance? The race is on to find the truth.

36 Responses

  1. Who doesn’t get excited about a dead body and bones???? OMG, is this the real Shalini you have just revealed??? I am starting to worry….I mean I don’t know anyone else who gets excited by a dead body and bones….

    1. Me always…. Yes that’s the real me during breakfast I mellow down later in the day… Until midnight when I become bloodthirsty in my books

          1. I get rejected for some outright, which gets annoying especially if it’s one I want to read right now. I have around 16 reviews all ready to post nearer the release dates. I try to write them as I finish the books if I didn’t I would end up with my own novel with a mixture of characters from other books.

          2. I would make sure it was lol 😂 my life seems to run like an episode of Eastenders, where nothing good happens to anyone, and I don’t even watch the programme lol 😂 my first mother in law always said if you wrote it they wouldn’t believe it.

    1. Well, I could say tell you about the more gruesome tales, but I’m afraid you will lose your appetite forever. Today, if you ask me to do it. I would not be able to

      1. I am reading Lillian and the Irrisistable Duke for a blog tour. Not my usual genre, but it is enjoyable. I am listening to a cozy mystery, Matchmaking Can Be Murder. Easy listening before getting into a couple of thrillers and some non-fiction.

          1. I recently subscribed to Scribd. It is only around $14.00 per month Canadian and I can borrow as many audiobooks as I want in a month. They have a lot of them. I also get some from my library, but Scribd has a lot more.

          2. Wow as many as you want… I gotta check that. I was part of scribd then it changed its rules and took away all my books from library.. Glad that it is great now..

          3. I have one of those sites here in UK called Bookbeat £12.90 a month for as many books as you want, you can download them to listen to if offline. Trouble is if I put them on when I’m going to sleep I miss half the story, and if I listen during the day I would have to be doing something with my hands. Maybe pick up my stitching and give it another go.

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