
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

This was one heck of a ride from midnight to 3am. I couldn’t seem to stop reading, I tried really hard to shut down my kindle, but I had to get to the ending.

Indentical twins, Tia and Ellie, one in a high powered finance job in London with a husband, Will, and the other slightly ‘slow’ and very innocent, placed in a residential home for 15+ years. The only means of communication between the sisters was the letters Ellie sent every Friday which reached Tia on Monday.

My first book by Valerie Keogh, and it was an addicting ride. The book started with Tia receiving the letters, and Ellie having the worst day of her life with shocking news. And subsequently, Tia comes to stay with them. I liked how the author has started the book with a bang, slowly building up the pitch. There were bread crumbs of clues strewn to raise the suspicions.

The plot and the ending were well written and could be easily deduced, but it is the journey of the writing which kept me captive. There was an alluring quality to it, I literally felt like a fly stuck in a spider’s web who had to keep reading on, to escape. The scenes caused a tidal wave of emotions to arise, it had me going OMG constantly. Ellie’s pain was so beautifully depicted.

One niggle stayed with me, and I kept hoping that it would come out. It didn’t. All I can say is that the autopsy reveals everything. And I did guess the ending, I think I may have seen a movie or read something similar, years ago.

The book was my Venus fly, and any book which can bring me closer to The End can be called nothing but addictive, unputdownable, and a joyride!!

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Publisher Bookouture, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 4.5 stars

Book blurb

One letter a week for fifteen years. 780 identical white envelopes brimming with my sister’s darkest secrets. All the intimate details of a life as different to mine as could possibly be.

I read each letter slowly to make sure I understand it perfectly, one day very soon it will be a matter of life and death…

At the end of each letter, after signing her name, there is always one final sentence:

Don’t forget to burn this letter.

Product Details

Publication date : 14th November, 2018

Publisher : Bookouture

47 Responses

  1. You have me convinced that I need to read this one asap. Hadn’t requested it but now I feel like I am missing out. Beautiful review. I love how you describe your experience reading this one.

  2. I think i red a book by Sandra brown where one of the twins died and the other stepped into her life and picked it up as if it was the second one who had died. It was intriguing but you only discovered which one had really died at the end. Like you said it was really good and i just kept turning pages – the only difference was that it was very unpredictable.

    1. Did you get the book? I am sure you would have. But this has not been liked by most… The story is very predictable… But something about it caught me…. 🤔🤔

      1. I haven’t heard back yet – I put in a request – but my ratio is currently low as I’ve been hoarding… oops…

  3. This one sounds amazing. Wonderful review. I often enjoy a story even if I do guess the ending, the ride to get there is still good if the writing is well done as you said.

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