Digital Reads Reviews

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A damn good suspenseful thriller

My Review

What a book! What a book! What a bloody good book!! Supposed to be suspenseful, but it was a freaking kickass thriller where the roads to the truth twisted every few pages, bringing with it exciting revelations with rachetted up the intrigue, and my pulse rate soared with it.

It was amazing how the disappearance of one tenant Mari, caused such a turmoil in Nina, especially when it happened so close to their visit, that she had to investigate and get to the truth. Nina’s daughter had wanted the flat and had given notice to the tenant. Was that the cause? Or was there something else at play that Nina was completely unaware of?

This book was sooo delish. Started slow, but there was a steadiness in the prose where Nina, with her honesty and genuine caring, pulled me further into the story with her. I was led down many blind alleys along with her, and every time I thought the plot was solved, the author threw out a curveball, and I was back on the track with Nina trying to dig out the truth.

The book had so many layers. The characters were loving, heartwarming, or so they appeared. Nina soon pulled down the masks of the people one by one that ultimately, there was only her in a house of mirrors where each image told her a different version. All she had to do was traverse through them or break the glass to find the right path.

I wanted to say – Shatter them all, girl. But she was the careful sorts, being a professor and all, she scrutinized the clues one by one, never giving up. I have to say her mind was like a trap, it never forgot anything.

Nina would put any supercop to shame with the careful way she investigated, especially when midway, Mari’s body was washed ashore. Wanting justice for Mari’s son, who lost his mother so early on, Nina trudged on. Even when the revelations shook the foundation of her family and friends, she never stopped, until the truth stopped her

Oh my niggles! Just the one. The prose had absolutely no quotation marks. I took a long time to distinguish between direct speech and narration. I did the next best thing – I asked Siri to read it out to me. Got to say, she was intelligent enough to pause between the two.

A book that slowly built the thrill in my heart, translated well, the story was different in its treatment, yet familiar in its thrill. My first book by author Agnes Ravatn, and I am a big FAN now!!

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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Book Blurb

University professor Nina is at a turning point. Her work seems increasingly irrelevant, her doctor husband is never home, relations with her difficult daughter are strained, and their beautiful house is scheduled for demolition.

When her daughter decides to move into another house they own, things take a very dark turn. The young woman living there disappears, leaving her son behind, the day after Nina and her daughter pay her a visit.

With few clues, the police enquiry soon grinds to a halt, but Nina has an inexplicable sense of guilt. Unable to rest, she begins her own investigation, but as she pulls on the threads of the case, it seems her discoveries may have very grave consequences for her and her family.

Book Details

Publication Date: August 2020

I received an ARC from Anne and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

5 Responses

  1. This sounds good, Shalini! Just too bad on the quotation marks! They normally do it In literary fiction these days but wow now in thrillers too? Hmmm a risky move I’d say! But at least the fantastic storytelling made up for it 🙂 great review, my friend!

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