
Digital Reads Reviews

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A celebrity rape case

She said they did. They said it was consensual. How was one to know. The lawyers on both sides presented their case. 12 jurors were to decide. And the book started.

My first book by David B. Lyons, and I was hooked. The premise and the story gripped me by my throat and kept me stuck to my kindle wanting to know the truth. She said, Three said. But what was the truth?

The author’s style of writing made me feel as if I were the camera which was getting live feeds about the juror’s discussions. All of them called themselves by the assigned number, though I got clips of their personal lives. They kept deliberating about She said, Three said, giving their reasons. Could they come to the truth fast?

The pace was fast where the author showed me the truth of what happened at nearly every hour of the interaction between defendant and the accused. Their thoughts and personal lives were well projected. I got to know what She said, Three said. But how do I get to the truth?

I read this at one go as I could not stop at any point. My mind couldn’t seem to calm down until I got to the end. It kept screaming down the pages – who was lying in the whole equation of She said, Three said. What was the truth?

The unexpected shocker of an ending made my mind go blank. I knew that would be the ending, yet didn’t want to believe it. It all came down to the word NO, then came She said, Three said. And the truth. Sighhh…

The author was a brilliant writer who could bring out the accents of the lads along with thoughts of the woman, the speculations of the jurors, finally the decision. And the truth. A snapshot of a slice of the case of She said, Three said. Well, the truth said it all.

Thought provoking and horrifying was this breakfast read.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a juror in a high-profile celebrity trial?

Well.. now you don’t have to. Step inside the jury room to deliberate one of the most talked-about court cases of the decade.


…all three men got her drunk, led her to a hotel room and took advantage of her.


…she was a willing participant and consented to sex with each of them.

After five-weeks of listening to all of the evidence and all of the arguments in a celebrity rape trial that has gripped an entire nation, the jury sit down to begin their deliberations.

But they don’t know who to believe…

…will you?

She Said, Three Said is one of the most provocative and thought-provoking novels of the modern era.

Publication Date: February 2020

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