
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.

A twisty suspenseful thriller especially in the second half.

Whom do you trust when you are single and alone? For single mother, Darcy, after being single for 4 years and having gone through betrayal and illness, urologist George who saved her son was a true knight in armor. Love happened and she moved in with him. When things started happening to her… Which only seemed to escalate.

Kim Slater is a fantastic author. I have always loved her books as there are ususaly twists upon twists. This book too had many which convoluted and confused the plot till I was cross eyed. I had to scramble to get to some of them. None I expected as each person turned out to be different.

It felt as if the author had made all her characters wear masks over their true personalities. At one point, I suspected the main character too. None of them were likable, but Kim’s writing made me want to rush to unmask them. The words ran quickly and it felt I had just started the book when I reached the end.

The only niggles I would say was that the suspense was low, I wasn’t scared at all in the first half. The second was rocking and that pushed the book to be a fast paced thriller.

A fanatstic afternoon read, post siesta.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Kim is the million-copy bestselling author of nine standalone psychological crime thrillers. SINGLE, her new thriller, is published November 2019.

Order of publication:
BLINK (2017)
LIAR (2017)
CLOSER (2018)
SINGLE (2019)

Her titles are published in eBook by Bookouture and in paperback by Sphere (UK) and Grand Central (USA).

For many years, Kim sent her work out to literary agents and collected an impressive stack of rejection slips. At the age of 40 she went back to Nottingham Trent University and now has an MA in Creative Writing.

Before graduating in 2012, she gained literary agent representation and a book deal. As Kim says, ‘it was a fairytale … at the end of a very long road!’

Kim is a full-time writer. She has one daughter, two stepsons and lives with her husband in Nottingham.

Publishers: Bookouture, Sphere, Grand Central, Audible
Agent: Camilla Bolton at Darley Anderson

Author website: www.KLSlaterAuthor.com
Twitter: @KimLSlater
Facebook: KL Slater Author
Instagram: KLSlaterAuthor

When single mother Darcy’s son falls from a rope bridge at a local playground, life stands still. She clutches his small, limp body, frozen, until a pair of strong hands push her aside, and she watches as George, a local doctor, saves her son’s life.

George is a single parent too, and with his twinkling hazel eyes, easy charm, and lack of wedding band is almost too good to be true, but coffee becomes lunch, lunch becomes dinner, and soon they can’t go an evening without seeing each other. When he invites her to move into his beautiful home with its sprawling garden for her boys, Darcy doesn’t hesitate.

But as Darcy is settling in, she receives a bunch of flowers with a chilling message. George says they’re from an obsessed ex-girlfriend, Opal, and days later Opal turns up at Darcy’s son’s football match. She claims to have shocking information that could threaten George’s custody of his daughter.

Darcy doesn’t know who to trust, but she’s starting to suspect that, whatever the truth, she might have put her beloved boys into terrible danger…

Publication Date: November 2019

Publisher: Bookouture

16 Responses

  1. Funny how you were niggled cuz you weren’t scared enough in the first half. Lol. B it I start reading to you about chocolates and pastries and Christmas baked goodies…. you and your jeans would start running away in terror 😉😂🎂🍪🍮

  2. A lovely review from you Shalini again and how you don’t miss small details making it a hit among readers.

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