
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.


This book tickled me wild with its domestic drama filled with murders and lies, true crime blogger and his investigation, couples and their infidelities.

Olivia and Frank were a happy couple until a road accident and intense post operative pain left Olivia addicted to pain meds and poor decisions. She shackled up with Dane and a year later, found him dead on the couch. Police suspected her, then found someone else, acquitted him, then suspected her all over again. Whew!!

My first book by author Miranda Smith, the suspense and the need to solve the captivating whodunit kept me on my toes. I liked Olivia, she made lousy decisions and basically ruined her life in all ways. She drank and drugged herself, quite an unstable character she was, at the same time, earnest yet defensive. But she stood out in her love for her boy. There was something so pure in her, the author managed to capture that beautifully, especially when her son called out to her. She loved being a mother and lived solely for her boy.

The plot was twisted and captivating, the writing clear and showed the characters as they were. This was Olivia’s show completely, and she managed to rein me in slowly with her presence. The author made her voice quite compelling. I couldn’t stop listening to her.

A debut at its best, a killer most unexpected, and a story quite a swirly mess, this was pure fun to read.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

I was happy my husband died, but I couldn’t admit it, otherwise people might think I killed him.


Olivia knows she is lucky. She has a loving husband, Frank, an adorable son, Jake, and a beautiful new home. It couldn’t be more different from her childhood on the outskirts of Whitaker, dirt poor and dreaming of getting out. But at the end of long days with no one to talk to, always feeling like she’s not quite good enough, she starts to wonder if there’s a better life waiting…


Everyone in Whitaker knows who Olivia is. She’s the woman who left her family for no-good Dane Miller—and the one who most likely shot him. Now, there’s gossip about her everywhere she goes, she’s too scared to leave the house most days, and she barely gets to see her beloved son.

How can a perfect life fall apart so quickly? And, when you have nothing to lose, how far will you go to save yourself?

Publication Date: March 2020

9 Responses

  1. We look down on people who are addicted to drugs; but if we had intense pain from medical issues, who’s to say we wouldn’t do the same thing? The strength of a drug addiction is past what those of us without one can really understand. I like that you looked past her drug problem to see what a good heart she has in relation to her son.

    1. Addicted to prescription medication, I blame the docs more than the patients. In my 20 years of medicine, I haven’t used morphine or any of the drugs which could cause addiction as pain killer. In my post operative patients, I found other options. But they have to be individualized. One protocol would not fit all. I worked in a very small set up where my surgeon listened to me. So I don’t look down on patients at all.
      Here I felt sad for her as she had gone beyond needs to try to procure drugs. But love for her son was a shining beacon in the book

      1. “One protocol would not fit all.” You are so right, and I think medical schools and professionals would be wise to use that philosophy in regards to most things medical.

        1. They don’t use it Linda… More so in the developed countries than in mine… Because patients sue so docs have made protocols and nobody wants to think beyond that.

          I had a drug which caused blurring of vision in one eye. Went to docs they refused to believe me, I am a fellow doc, they sent me psych evaluation. I searched internet there was one article in 1944 which said this drug caused blurring for one patient… I stopped the drug and the blurring decreased and headaches stopped. The doc is my best friend refused to believe till date. As protocol and studies show it is not possible. Ye gawds… That was the moment I stopped my medical practice.

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