
Digital Reads Reviews

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A difficult book to review. The story had some harrowing moments which made my heart thud painfully in fear for the main character. The author made a familiar story a fun read.

A weekend with the girls, meeting a man, seeing a stabbed victim who died, continuing to date that man, cops arresting and incarceration her love, a trial and imprisonment, the woman still believing him, another lawyer, and the man was left scot-free. They started living together, and the nightmare started. This was Lauren and Max’s story.

My first book by this author, this was a look into the dark minds of an obsessed, poisonous soul. There were parts which chilled me. It was the cover which quickly pulled me to start reading the book. There was something hypnotic about it.

The book started with a bang. The prologue was most interesting which piqued my interest and forced me to keep reading. I wanted both the characters to live to tell their tale. The story moved at a swift pace from then on, telling me the backstory of Lauren’s life.

Looking back while writing the review, I thought both the characters were pretty weird. Well, they would have to be, this was a thriller. Many a time, I wanted to tap Lauren to ask her – What are you doing, girl? But she stuck to her convictions and left me to read the repercussions. I liked the strength in her, but she did take hasty decisions. Love makes fools of the best among us!

The need to know the reason behind the actions of the characters had me turning the pages faster. There was enough suspense and intrigue to make me keep tapping to the end. Then came my niggles. Certain scenes felt disjointed and didn’t really go with the flow of the book. Some of the reactions had me questioning the intelligence of these characters.

At 200 odd pages, I could finish it pretty quickly. Overall, a fun read.

This book was very easy to listen to as an audio. I asked Alexa to read out, I could see the scenes in my mind.

I downloaded the digital version of the book from Kindle Unlimited, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Lauren Adams is just an ordinary single girl, until one split-second decision throws her life into crisis.
When she meets the handsome and intriguing Max Davies during a girls’ weekend away, she can’t believe her luck. But it soon turns out to be her biggest mistake.
Max gets accused of murder, a murder that allegedly happened on the same night he and Lauren met.
Is Max really the man she thinks he is? Is he really innocent of murder? And why does Lauren hear him late at night, building something in the basement – a basement he’s made clear is out of
Tell me why follows a woman who just wants to be loved, but who instead ends up in a tangled web of lies, deceit, and terror.
A chilling read you won’t stop talking about.

Publication Date: December 2019

6 Responses

  1. I reviewed this a while ago on my blog. I think, overall, the writing let this book down. I agree with you – the characters did things or said things that just didn’t make any sense. In my opinion, the characters didn’t feel like real people, just … objects within a story, I suppose.
    You can read my review here, if you’re interested: https://readandreview2016.wordpress.com/2020/02/14/book-review-tell-me-why-by-ruth-oneill/

    1. I didn’t know why a 35 year old woman would believe that her man was innocent when he confessed to murder and then be okay when he hit her… 🤷🏻‍♀️

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