
Digital Reads Reviews

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A continuation from Book 1, this dealt more with Nadira’s emotional well-being and her feelings of loneliness in an unknown world. Being resurrected after 25 years of her death, everything had changed and she no longer had a place in such a world where the demons and humans lived in relative peace after signing the treaty. What was a demon hunter to do when demons were protected by law?!! And yes, she was soul bound to a succubus Roquelle, a demon. Can you see how boxed in she was?

My second book by author Azaaa Davis, this was a rocking ride from beginning to end. I liked Nadira more in this though she was struggling in most parts. There was growth in her characterization in this book. I liked the power struggle within herself when the succubus wanted to take control over body and unleash violence. She did exactly that in a couple of place.

Old characters like Leo and Devon and Derrick returned and new characters like Shaun were introduced. The book was an easy read, took me a couple of hours. Emotions of Nadira spilled over, I wished she would find herself soon as I hated to see her doubting herself. My wishes were fulfilled in the end. Seeing a whole Nadira emerge out of the cocoon was a sight to behold.

Well, my niggles too popped out with this Nadira. After so much of an emotional turmoil, the book ended in a cliffhanger when I wanted to see her kickass self, but that was probably left for book 3. For me, this book was just a pathway for the next one.

Array of emotions in a fantasy and altered dynamics in a new world, new symbiotic connections formed, old ones breached, great action scenes with very few romantic ones, and inner acceptance made this a great breakfast read. On to my next.

I received a free ARC from the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

All Nadira Holden wants to preserve the last of her soul and create a new life free of magic, demons, and war.

Her involuntary bond with a succubus makes her desires impossible. The threat of this disgruntled demon possessing her urges Nadira to find the succubus’s missing body.

Nadira’s only hope of avoiding demonic possession lies with Derek, the only demon she can tolerate without slaying. Except, his hands are full trying to secure his recently-inherited title of prince. Desperate, Nadira agrees to help Derek secure his title by experimenting with the deadly magic they once generated in exchange for his aid in her investigation.

To untangle herself from the evil that surrounds her, Nadira must be willing to betray her friends and get cozy with her enemies. She may even have to do the unthinkable: break the peace treaty that allows demons and humans to coexist. If she can’t toss aside her scruples, Nadira may not make it out of this ordeal with her soul intact

Publication Date: 23rd April 2019

9 Responses

  1. Sound interesting but ugh! I hate cliffhangers ending in a book. But surprisingly one my favorite series has been ending in cliffhanger for every volume.

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