
Digital Reads Reviews

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An exciting premise. One sister had knocked over a man and run over him in the middle of the night. And the other 2 siblings helped to bury the body.

But the truth unraveled soon, and the dead never stayed buried, did they? They became zombies hehehe… 😂 Not in this book, of course.

Having read many of this author’s books, I was so into the story, until I wasn’t. The prose seemed to capture the suspense in the plotline, but somehow never managed to catch my interest.

A court case soon followed which sounded so interesting, yet barely managed to grip me. I started my usual hop, skip, and jump over paragraphs to get to the end.

The characters seemed to be well developed, but I could barely progress over a page in the entire afternoon. Too much of unnecessary information was given while the thrill I needed was missing.

If you get the book from the library or free from your friend, read it. Sadly enough, not worth buying as I did. A colossal waste of my hard earned money. That’s depressing enough. Maybe if the dead body had become a zombie, it would have been so much fun.


Rating: 2 out of 5.


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What would you do to protect your family?


That night everything changed.

The night Frannie commited a murder, but she didn’t mean to…

That night we helped her bury the body, what else could we do?

One hot summers night in Italy, Joe and Cathy Plant receive a phone call that will change their lives forever.

Their sister Frannie has killed a man, and she needs their help.

They were always close, some might say too close, siblings who worked together, lived next door to each other

And now they’ve buried a body together…

But when they return to England, Frannie, Joe and Cathy become tangled in lies in they’ve been telling,

to the police, to their friends, to each other…

But if you can’t trust your family, who can you trust?


Publication Date: July 2021

I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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