
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.

Whoa!! What a book!! It was twisted in darkness, wrapped in delusion, and shaded in hypnotism. A brainwashing of sorts. Victoria Jenkins best book to date.

Mother and daughter can have a rocky relationship. This pair did too. Olivia sneaked out for a party, mom was angry. Mobile phone was taken as the punishment. Olivia stopped talking to mom. For many days. Then one day she did. And secrets popped up, crawling slithering worms which left devastation.

Having read most of her books, I expected a suspenseful thriller from the author. But what I got was a story which explored the dark warped minds. You have to read it to believe it. The story laid down the right foundation till 60%. I loved how it lulled me deeper into their relationship giving me both their POV. I knew I had to read carefully as a sense of danger pinged my senses.

And WHAM!! I was hit by a revelation so powerful that it changed all that I knew. I could see everything with different eyes. The author skilfully had laid rose tinted glasses on my kindle, and when that was removed with a snap, I was sent reeling into the stratosphere.

Holly Fuck!! That was quite unexpected. Plop on my arse I went!! And I stayed there for the rest of the time long after the book was done!! Whoa! What a ride.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Victoria Jenkins is a Welsh author who has made a name for herself writing the highly popular Detective King and Lane series of novels. The first novel in the series was “The Girls In The Water” that Jenkins first published in 2017, to much critical acclaim and popularity among crime fiction fans.
The series of novels features Detective Constable Chloe Lane and Detective Inspector Alex King, who are the lead investigative characters that solve some mysterious murders in their hometown.

Jenkins lives with her husband and daughter in South Wales, where her series of crime novels featuring Detectives King and Lane is based.

It happens to every mother. One day, the daughter whose whole world you once were, becomes someone you barely know. And you don’t know the secrets she’s hiding…

One hot summer night, 15-year-old Olivia comes home late from a party she was strictly forbidden from going to, and she and her mother, Hannah, start arguing. Soon Olivia speaks the words that every parent has heard from their teenage child:

‘I hate you. You’ve ruined my life. And I’m never speaking to you again.’

Olivia has never been an easy child, a sharp contrast to her easy-going, happy-go-lucky little sister. But Hannah thinks Olivia’s outburst is the end of a normal family argument. In fact, it’s only the beginning of a nightmare…

After one day of silence, Hannah thinks Olivia is taking a teenage sulk too far. After two days, she starts to feel anxious that something more serious could be going on. After a week, when her daughter still hasn’t spoken, Hannah knows that Olivia is hiding a bigger darkness – something that could threaten to tear their precious family apart…

Publication Date: 10th December 2019

Publisher: Bookouture

10 Responses

  1. I checked Goodreads to be sure but I’ve not read this author before – looks like I should have – for shame! Thank you for introducing her!

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