
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

A story of 2 women and 1 man which was interlinked between them. A triangle is never a good thing in a relationship, and neither was this…

One was mother Kirsten who said she loved her daughter but never found time for her. One was a teacher Miriam who had a special eye on the child, more than what was required. And last was husband Andy as slimy as an eel, who loved only himself. This was a story about them.

The debut by A. L. Bird had me wondering initially where the story was leading up to. And the real secret was revealed at 40% of the book. Then what was remaining, asked my brain? And the mental games started. The ladies used their ways and means to get the child. The man used his wiles to get rid of both.

This book was a psychologically twisted tale of human psyche where I could just read it with wild, unbelievable eyes wondering how low a human can sink just to get a child. And the games kept playing on till the last page!!

Fast pace and highly twisted unlikable characters made this book a fast 2 hour read. The plot itself was a bit meh, there were only reactions no planned actions. But that was the charm of Bird’s writing!!

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher HQ Digital, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 4 stars

About the Author

A.L. Bird lives in London, where she divides her time between writing, working as a lawyer, and running around after her young family. She loves writing dark, twisty thrillers. Bestselling The Good Mother was her first major psychological thriller for HQDigital. Don’t Say a Word (out now) is her chilling standalone next book. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Birkbeck, University of London, and is also an alumna of the Faber Academy ‘Writing a Novel’ course.

Book blurb

After years of IVF, Kirsten White is a devoted mum to Harriet – and she can’t believe the time has come to send her little girl off to school. But Harriet has now turned five, and she can’t stay Kirsten’s baby forever. It might be hard, but it’s time to entrust her daughter’s care to her new teacher.

Miriam Robertson has been waiting for the perfect little girl to walk into her class. She’s very picky… but when Harriet walks in, Miriam knows: this is the child she’s been waiting for.

Harriet knows not to speak to strangers. But her lovely new teacher isn’t a stranger at all. In fact, she’s her new best friend. And you can always trust your friends… can’t you?

Product Details

Publication date : 16th September 2018

Publisher : HQ Digital

50 Responses

  1. sounds very good – shall read your review which will be, as always, great and which will, as always, make me want to read the book right away … peace my sister

      1. Hey Shalini, thanks I’m doing cool just busy with work – the bane of our earthly existence LOL – yes it’s been a while and I hope you have been keeping well too. stay well my friend and keep the great reviews coming …

        cheers from a hot Johannesburg here in South Africa

        Peace and Hope ✌👍

  2. OMG – you have mad skills – you read a 400 page book in 2 hours? That would take all day for me.

    1. This was a fast read…. Once I am engrossed pages turn… But if I am not then it might take 2 days or never… Hehehehe…. This was really an easy read and I didn’t realize it was 400 pages ..

  3. I can’t do anymore unlikable characters!! Lmao! What happened to the days where you were meant to LIKE the characters! Plus, I feel like unlikable these days usually means “annoying”. Ha ha!

          1. Ha ha!! Not that I know of… But, I’ve been realising lately how ridiculously socially awkward I am, and how sometimes I don’t pick up on social cues pertaining to the feelings of others… I guess working at a video game store so so many years made me feel like the normal one… Now that I’m around more normal people… I realise that is NOT true.. 😂😂

    1. He was quite bad and the in the end he turned worse 😂😂🤣🤣 thank you .. I use slimy as an eel in my regular day to day conversations 🙈🙈

  4. I love that cover. Great review, Shalini. I like twisted characters in thrillers lol. I am curious about the ones in this one especially since you mention that they were willing to do just about anything to get a child. Intrigued.

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