
Digital Reads Reviews

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Oh my! What a weirdly twisted book… The alleys were dark and felt psychotic. The mind was a fragile thing, once broken remained broken. What the heart wanted, it wanted by any means… Or death would be the end!!

Beware of the twisted plot this book coursed through. Claire and Angus were engaged, they bought a new house from Mark, Mark resembled her ex, so Claire had an affair with him and soon was embroiled in his nefarious deeds.

My first book by Sarah Mitchell, and my eyebrows touched my hairline as I read down its pages, eyes widened with expletives being showered over my poor kindle. One chapter in the middle of the book hitched my breath hitch and made me go Wowza. The rest were weird, logic less, and certainly not so intelligent. Claire really took some poor decisions, she was unlikable and kinda obsessed about the ex. Not that the others were any better. The men were badly characterized.

The writing though disjointed and rough had its own darkness which compelled me to read on. The book was a slow burn as most turn out to be, the ending was rushed and didn’t make much sense too. Or maybe I wasn’t too interested.

The book kept me company during my flu, filling my brain with niggles, hence enjoyable. One sometimes needs to bitch about a book to feel alive. Whew, my review is done!!

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be found here

Have you read a bad book which made you feel more alive?

Publication Date: 5th January 2019

Publisher: Bookouture

37 Responses

    1. Oh the flu is kicking my nethers..😂 😂 But I was quite shocked with this book.. Most have liked this book so I may be the odd one out..

  1. Your eyebrows touched your hairline, Shalini? 😂 LOVED your review. 💕
    I’m sorry you’re suffering through the flu. I hope you’re getting better now. 🤗

      1. I’m hoping you’re feeling much better now, Shalini. I’m so sorry you’ve been sick with the flu. 😔
        We are doing some renovating and I’ve been so busy with it that I haven’t had time to get much reading done. Please let me know how you’re doing. 💕

        1. I am much better now… But not reading much… Hoping to get back to routine from tomorrow 💕💕thank you so much darling… You are so loving 💖

  2. Great review! Wish it would have worked out better for you. Hope your next one is a five star!! ❤️

  3. I know exactly the feeling you described – it could have been better but the hooks were already in and you can’t put it down!

  4. I love your review Shalini. It sounds like a bizarre book. I also appreciate expletives when they are needed and hate them when they are thrown in for shock value. What a waste of good words! I hope you’re feeling better!

  5. Sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling unwell.How are you now?,Also sorry that this book didn’t really workout for you.I enjoyed reading your review though 🙂

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