Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Noelle Holten and Sarah Hardy and publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.

Quite a twisted mind was shown when the author Sue Watson plotted this book. It took an ink so dark to draft a tale where everything was warped to fit the needs of a damaged psyche.

Kat was the helicopter worried mom whose daughter Amy had left for uni. But she didn’t come home when she promised, and the mother’s instincts went overdrive with worry. But were all of them just worries or did a mother’s love know something? Was Amy alive and well?

Woah!! This book took me by surprise. The writing showed me the author’s mad skills in thinking out the subplots of a dark thriller. I liked how things were hinted at to lead me down roads unexpected. Characters were not many, but they were linked with suspicion. And that helped raise the tension in the story.

The build up of a mother’s worry was brilliant. I would be honest. It was both true to its emotions at the same time, left me with a vague niggle that all might not be honky dory with the characters. Kate’s fear for her daughter’s safety leaped off the pages, and I knew that whatever I told her via my kindle, it wouldn’t calm her down. I just had to walk with her as she tried to make sense of everything.

I suspected everyone in this book. So I was glad to see that my suspicions came to fruition. Yes, I did know that was cheating, but I so wanted to be right. But the epilogue was quite a shocker!! This was a fun read, helped me get over my ill health to some extent. Now I want more such books. Keep ’em coming!! Off to read my next.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Sue Watson was a journalist then TV Producer at the BBC until she wrote her first book and was hooked.

She’s now written thirteen novels – many involving cake – and her books have been translated into Italian, German and Portuguese. Originally from Manchester, Sue now lives with her husband and teenage daughter in Worcestershire where much of her day is spent procrastinating while eating cake (for research purposes), and watching ‘My 600lb Life,’ on the sofa.

Sue explored the darker side of life for her latest book ‘Our Little Lies,’ a dark, psychological thriller completely devoid of cake. She’s hoping this change in direction will be reflected on the weighing scales.

Kat remembers the days when her only daughter Amy wouldn’t leave her side. Amy was the baby who cried when you walked out of the room, the toddler who was too shy to speak to strangers, the small child who clung to Kat’s legs in the school playground. But now Amy is grown up, and Amy is gone – to university in a town several hours away.

Kat’s house – which once felt too full, too noisy, too busy – is deathly quiet, and Kat awaits the daily phone call to tell her that her beloved daughter is thriving and happy. But one day Amy doesn’t call. Kat’s husband and friends think she is being paranoid – surely Amy is just out, having fun with her friends.

But Kat knows right away that something is very wrong. Her daughter would never forget to call. She would never just disappear… After all, Amy has nothing to run from. Or does she?

Publication Date: 1st November 2019

Publisher: Bookouture

12 Responses

  1. Another great review Shalini. I have read some cozy stories by Sue Watson, so was intrigued that she wrote a thriller. I am glad it is a winner and I will be reading this one eventually.

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