
Digital Reads Reviews

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My Review

Oh dear!! My head is still spinning, and I blame the author K. L. Slater for the way she kept me twirling like a leaf in the storm.

I have to admit that I was arrogant enough to think I had the story all figured out and felt so proud of myself until the author took the sharp edge of her pen and hacked all my theories. This was one time where I was so happy losing.

2 sisters, Alexa with a family and child Florence, and Carrie who was a nurse down on her luck and was staying with Alexa to tide things over. A whistle-blower at work, after the deaths of a couple of patients, led to a police investigation. Carrie was in the center of it. Secrets were everywhere. Alexa was determined to help her sister and be there for her.


Kim has done it again, written a book so filled with uncertainties that I didn’t know which was the right way. Everything I thought I knew about the characters was cleaved to pieces. It was a thrill-a-minute, and it was done so subtly that I couldn’t help but bow down to the sheer brilliance.

This was one heck of a different story unlike any thriller I have read so far. The usual formula was left far behind. I never knew a new approach like this would work. But damn. It did so brilliantly. Full credit to the author.

The story was told in multiple POV, but fear not, there was never any confusion.

The story hid more secrets than I knew, and each one felt apt.

The story went in so many directions, but it was still cohesive in all aspects.

The characters were friendly enough but kept to the edge of unlikable, but they didn’t alienate me.

Every character was turned inside out, but they still made sense.

How was it possible? I kept thinking about the story long after I finished it and realized only a genius puppeteer with well-outlined plotlines could fool me like this.

Wow!! Well played, Ms. Slater. We’ll meet again in the next book.

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Book Links

Disclaimer: This is an Amazon Affiliate link. I may earn a small commission for purchases made through this link at no extra cost to you at the Kindle and Audible store.

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/37pPqwA

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3oaHGEy

Amazon India: https://amzn.to/31rs5Xo

Book Blurb

What if my sister is unstable and everyone can see it but me? What was she really doing standing over Florence’s cot in the middle of the night?

Alexa has always looked up to her older sister Carrie. Carrie lives in Alexa’s family home, and adores her one-year-old niece Florence. Alexa doesn’t know how they would cope without her. So when Carrie is suspended from her job as a senior nurse, accused of the most terrible crime, Alexa reels in disbelief. Alexa knows how caring Carrie is, and as she watches Florence gurgling and cooing whenever Carrie is around, she knows her little girl is in safe hands.

Alexa’s husband doesn’t trust Carrie. He wants her out of the house, unable to ignore what people are saying about her. But when he suggests that Carrie could be a danger to their daughter, Alexa shuts him out. Nobody will ever come between her and her sister.

Then Florence is hurt while in Carrie’s care and Alexa at last starts to wonder. Alexa has always wanted to protect Carrie from the past they have hidden. But does Alexa know what Carrie wants? And will the secret that has kept the sisters together now destroy her little girl?

Book Details

Publication Date: October 2020

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

5 Responses

  1. Wonderful review Shalini. I also loved this one and will post my review tomorrow. Yes, thought I had it figured out as well. Love when that happens.

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