
Digital Reads Reviews

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This book made me think. I have been the girl in the corner my whole life, less-confident, insecure, fearful. The story kept me awake practically the whole night; deeper introspection has led to the conclusion that I am probably coming into my own trying to do new things, but there are still some things I need to change or accept.

I call author Amanda Prowse the Queen of Emotions, and she has struck again bringing to life another topic which many of us have seen – infidelity. Ms Prowse’s ability to wrench emotions out of a cold heart is breathtaking. I managed to feel the same anger which the main character Rae feels after the confession from her infidel husband.

I liked the way Rae went on a trip to Antigua to get some sanity from the claustrophobic situation at home. But her sister-in-law/best friend Dolly accompanied her, followed by her husband. And that led to my niggles

Rae didn’t really find her inner self till the very end. And I wished she had expressed herself clearly for once, she modified her life for everyone pushing her ambitions deep down till the last few pages.

A woman is strong and dynamic. And with a topic like infidelity, there has to be a counter emotion shown where she finds her own voice. I believe a woman can be in the corner but yet her voice can reach all corners of the earth. We women are that powerful!!

I loved the book for the story, but I wanted it to be more empowering, shining its sparkling rays on me, inspiring me. I liked the book spoke about forgiveness which is difficult in these cases, but it didn’t feel real, it came from a place of thankfulness during a crisis.

Overall, I enjoyed the book, and it left me examining my own life…

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

My reviews of other books by Amanda Prowse can be read here

The Art of Hiding


The Coordinates of Loss

All my reviews can be found here

Everyone knows Amanda Prowse and her books, so I thought I should answer her questions at the end of the story.

Character I identified with

The main character Rae to some extent due to being in the background for most of my life but not in the aspect of forgiveness. I don’t think I can forgive infidelity.

Advice to the main character

Fly away, discover yourself. After 25 years of marriage with kids having their own lives, it was her time to discover herself and do what she wanted to cook, travel, backpack. See the world and see herself in a new light.

Best friend Dolly and her role in the book

Though Dolly brought fun bits, I didn’t like her. She was too overpowering and she didn’t allow her best friend to breathe. Friendship is about space and acceptance and being a listening ear even when it is against family. So I don’t believe Dolly was a good friend.

Identify with the book & message for all women

Certain aspects of Rae resonated with me, as I have been scared and uncertain practically my whole life. And like her, I am learning to discover myself

Message would be to live life completely, being honest to oneself, doing what the heart desires to express one’s inner passions

Things Rae should have done differently

Taken time off to spend with herself, only when she feels whole can she forgive. Only when she grieves completely, can she forgive. Being thankful for the husband being a support is nice, but that’s not forgiveness.

One can keep others happy when one is happy!!

84 Responses

  1. Fabulous review Shalini! You know, I don’t think I’ve ever read anything by Prowse and yet I see her books all over the place. I need to rectify this!

  2. What an empowering review!! Damn straight their voice can be heard!! And, you’re no “girl in the corner”, my dear. You’re too amazingly powerful for that! Plus, you have too much backup! If someone were to try to push you into that corner you know that Nina, Jay and I AT THE VERY LEAST would be there to pull you out of it! 💖💖💖🍻

    1. Yayyy thank God for backup…
      But some days Nics, it feels so when things are Topsy turvy and upside down and I feel – why didn’t I stand up for myself…
      How are you and where are you? ❤️

      1. Oh, I feel like that all the time. Everyone at my new job keeps telling me not to let people take advantage of me… I have the tendency to let people walk all over me so they’ll like me…
        I’m alright. Tired. Still a little sick. Up visiting the parentals right now… Which is nice, but it would also be nice to relax on my only days off and get some stuff done… Lol!

          1. Ya. I’m a terrible friend. 😢😭 But, I’M BACK BABY!! AND YOU’LL NEVER GET RID OF ME AGAIN!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 (and, I mean that BEYOND WordPress!!)

      1. Ha ha ha!!! 😂😂 We’re definitely going to be the polkaroo in Shalini’s life. One of us arrives and the other is leaving. We will never be in the same place at the same time… Maybe we’re the same person?!? 🤔😲

  3. Great review, Shalini! You are definitely not the girl in the corner, IMO. I’ll be honest, when I created Nishi, I based her on my image of you: tiny, gorgeous, brave, a total sweetheart, and a little spitfire who doesn’t take s**t from anyone. You are more like the MCs you love than you realize, my dear. Strong, dynamic woman? Yep. That’s you. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Awww…. That’s so great.. Nishi was amazing..
      I am learning more about myself through your eyes…
      I took a lot of s**t from a lot of people for many years… I am slowly learning to be quiet yet have a bold voice when needed…
      Thank you so much Leslie, you are an amazing friend… Learning so much from you😍😘😘

  4. Oooh, girl! Tall and curvy is sooo in! Very sexy! You go, girl! Shake it, shake it! 🙂 It seems I am more of the girl in the corner than you. 🙂 Happy Tuesday and almost Wednesday to you!

  5. Don’t you know tall and curvy is totally in! Guys dig it! You go, you sexy thang! Shake it, baby, shake it! 🙂 It seems I’m more the girl in the corner than you are. 🙂 Have a great night! 🙂 🙂

  6. Great review, but infidelity, such a tough subject and is there ever a win out of that? Yes, I’d have preferred the MC be stronger as well, wasn’t she there for that purpose? I need to read something that lifts me up. You, too, dear.

  7. Great review, Shalini! I have read anything by the author. Hmm, I think I better take a closer look at her books.

  8. This sounds like an evocative book, pulling on emotions and ideas. I especially liked your inclusion of the answers to the discussion section as part of your review.

    1. Sometimes I like being in the background… Sometimes I have allowed myself to stay in the background, and sometimes I have been pushed..
      It is a fab book…. I hope you enjoy it

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