
Digital Reads Reviews

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Forensic pathology, a branch of medicine which completely fascinates me. In my alternate lifetime, I hope to become one. This entire story was based on the findings of forensic pathologist Dr Beth Adams.

A dead girl found beneath the coffin of an exhumed body was the start of the investigation which followed the convoluted roads of the past and present where Beth found herself to be in the eye of the storm. But nobody could be safe in the midst of the rampaging winds, and Beth was soon embroiled in a case which brought out the nightmares of the past.

My first book by Helen Phifer, it was nail biting to get to the perp. I was completely blindsided when the truth was finally revealed. I loved how Beth was etched with professionalism along with depths of a personal life. She was a person of contrasts, scared of living, loved the dead. She could fight but was scared enough to have a safe room at home. She lived amongst people but was alone.

Detective Josh Walker was a good support to her, there was trust and a great rapport between them. The hints of love had just started in this book. A common past which bound them together. Then came my infamous niggles, I wanted Beth to have a bigger role in the book. I wanted more of her. But this did not hamper my enjoyment of this book.

Helen’s writing was smooth, the chapters short and snappy. There was a freshness in the way they were written. I loved the speed with which I turned the pages, the book was so easy to read. Overall, I want book 2 as soon as possible as Beth made quite an impact on me. A fun midnight read.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

When the body of a teenage girl is found hidden inside a stranger’s grave in a small-town cemetery in the Lake District, an urgent call is made to Forensic Pathologist Beth Adams. One look at the beautiful girl’s broken body is enough to bring Beth out of hiding for the first time since an attempt on her own life…

Beth doesn’t believe it’s a coincidence that the victim was found the same day a threatening gift was left on the doorstep of her secluded home. Her instincts are telling her that it’s a trap, that she should run for safety. But she knows she’s the only one with the expertise to help her trusted friend, Detective Josh Walker, crack the most shocking case of his career.

The tiny traces of material Beth finds beneath the victim’s fingernails is the break in the case the team need to chase down this twisted killer. But this critical lead comes at a dangerous price, exposing Beth’s whereabouts and dragging her back into the line of fire once again.

With Beth’s own life on the line, the investigation is already cracking under the pressure. Then another local girl goes missing… Can Beth stay alive long enough to catch the killer before he claims his next victim?

Publication Date: 16th July 2019

Publisher: Bookouture

31 Responses

  1. My first thought…that’s a great place to hide a body 😂🤣. Now I want to read this just to see what crazy soul did that!!

  2. I’m often wondering how much books in a week you read sometimes. I mean that as a big compliment! This one sounds great again though! Sounds like my kind of book 😊

    1. Thank you.. I overbooked myself.. Hehehe to a lot of Tours. I have 60 next month along with my own books 🙈🤷‍♀️❤️thank you.
      P. S. Who is your ideal woman? 😂😂😉😉💃💃

      1. Whoa? Sixty???? That is…one heck of a tour de force! Amazing. I’m happy if I’m able to finish one book a week lol 😂😂
        P.S…..still not saying……😂😂😂😘😘😂😂😂

  3. I think I could stop signing up for book tours and just follow your reviews instead!

    1. Hahaha you are my inspiration… I signed for a lot of Tours looking at your blog 🙈🤷‍♀️💃💃😂😂
      Do you know how much I love you ❤️ I genuinely do… When you call me precious, my eyes have tears filming them 😘

  4. Pathology is so interesting. I was completely hooked on the television series Bones, did you ever watch it?
    Great review, I’ll have to check this one out.

    1. Oh yes I loved Bones… She was so intelligent and quite matter of fact…
      I got a chance to do forensic post my basic medicine course but things in my country were not good for the branch… Hence moved my focus

  5. Beth sounds like a very interesting character. Forensic pathology is very interesting even for those without a medical background. Good review, Shalini.

  6. Ah, your infamous niggle… in other words, you are a reader with keen eyes! Amazing review as always <3 I wanna read this book so bad!!

  7. I am not familiar with this book, but after this review, will be changed. I also love books about forensic pathologists so will check this one out. Wonderful review Shalini.

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