
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Gaby Young and publisher Michael J Books for my spot on this Blog Tour.


Absolutely breathtaking was this book where the genius of an author Eve Chase took me through the circle of life. I came to where I started, but I breathed a lifetime of a journey. I saw the characters as they were, but I felt their emotions deep within. I read the story as told to me, but I lived through the nuances of them all.

Harrington family moved to the country for the summer where they found an abandoned child in the woods, until a catastrophe made them lose themselves and the child. Years later, the truth was finally pieced together.

Author Eve Chase wrote this with a mesmerizing poignant touch where each word was delicately kissed by the sheer talent of storytelling. Scenes blew me away with the suspense, the dread, the secrets. Characters were confusing on the surface until I was shown their heart. The silent breeze flew through the forest, a child’s cry was heard soon. They took the happiness in, then lost her. They went further away with their secrets that resided deep within, blew away one by one, so they did when the lost child found them all.

I loved each of them, I took them into my heart, but then I realized it was the book which drew me deep within itself, to show me a world filled with secrets and lies, darkness and shadows, grays and blacks of the woods until the beam of light revealed the truth. And rejoiced I did as I got to the end, laughed a cheer at the family again, wiped a tear when the mother turned to blow one last kiss. A smile. Then gone.

A sigh and a happy tear was I left with, a strange joy in my heart for having read the story of the lost found family.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Outside a remote manor house in an idyllic wood, a baby girl is found.

The Harrington family takes her in and disbelief quickly turns to joy. They’re grieving a terrible tragedy of their own and the beautiful baby fills them with hope, lighting up the house’s dark, dusty corners. Desperate not to lose her to the authorities, they keep her secret, suspended in a blissful summer world where normal rules of behaviour – and the law – don’t seem to apply.

But within days a body will lie dead in the grounds. And their dreams of a perfect family will shatter like glass.
Years later, the truth will need to be put back together again, piece by piece . . .

Publication Date: May 2020

12 Responses

    1. Thank you so much ❤️ read it. Initial few chapters may feel confusing then slowly you will be pulled in. It is so haunting and beautiful

    1. Thank you so much GIN. I am sure you would love this book. Try to get it from the library. I think audiobook might be confusing in the beginning as many narrators. It is only later that all the characters are connected

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