Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Noelle Holten and Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.

My third book by Rona Halsall, the cover ensnared me like you wouldn’t believe it. The book brought out the adage in an apt manner

Marry in haste, repent in waste

Chloe married Dan after knowing him for less than two months. And would you believe what happened next… Yeah.. you guessed it, she went for her honeymoon to Maldives. But therein lay a twist.. As she was about to board, she saw that the tickets were to an isolated godforsaken place in Menorca. And her problems started there. Her passport and phone were taken away, she was kept locked in the house, and Dan wanted to stay forever on that island to supposedly protect her…. Did she escape?

Rona’s writing was superfluous, I loved the way she kept me thinking who was a liar and who was the psycho. Emotions of claustrophobia literally trapped me in place, stuck to my kindle. But Rona made a way out for her, and Chloe escaped. But found everything changed… She had to come back to Menorca.

Husband Dan was written with quicksilver moods sometimes loving and tender then controlling and ruthless. I never could decide who he was till the end of the story. I liked how the chapters unfurled, pulling the fly into the spider’s web. Was I the fly? I wondered…

My niggles flew in soon. Chloe was a pendulum, insecure and non-confident, never keeping to her decisions. She kept swaying in every chapter. He loves me, he loves me not!! And she was supposed to be an independent physiotherapist. Ah well, love does this to sane women, make us all insane!!

A plot line which changed in every chapter kept me hopping through the story. It took me only three hours to get through it. A fast fun read.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be read here

Rona lives on the Isle of Man with her husband, two dogs and three guinea pigs. She has been a bookworm since she was a child and now she’s actually creating stories of her own, which still feels like a dream come true.

She is an outdoorsy person and loves stomping up a mountain, walking the coastal paths and exploring the wonderful beaches on the Island while she’s plotting how to kill off her next victim. She also makes sure she deletes her Google history on a regular basis, because… well, you can’t be too careful when you spend your life researching new and ingenious ways for people to die.

She has three children and two step-children who are now grown up and leading varied and interesting lives, which provides plenty of ideas for new stories!




Chloe finally feels like she’s got her life together. After a difficult childhood and losing both parents, she worked hard for the life she loves in lively Brighton, helping people as a physiotherapist. And then she meets the perfect man.

It’s a whirlwind romance, but Dan is handsome, funny, and simply the kindest man she’s ever met. When she sees him standing by the altar, tears glistening in his eyes, she knows this will be for always.

As they sunbathe on their honeymoon island, laughing over drinks, planning their future with their feet in the sand, Dan jokes that he’d like them to stay there forever.

At first, Chloe couldn’t agree more. It’s tempting to imagine truly leaving her troubled past behind. But as the honeymoon goes on, he becomes increasingly adamant. They shouldn’t leave. In fact, he won’t let her…

Publication Date: 9th June 2019

Publisher: Bookouture


Apple Books



66 Responses

  1. I just love the idea behind this book and I can’t wait to read it! I love that you enjoyed it so much. Imagine thinking you’ve hit the jackpot and you’re gonna be happy forever after..; Until the honeymoon! Great review! x

  2. Great review Shalini, this one had me interested, now I am adding it to my TBR. Sounds like a quick, suspenseful read for an afternoon by the pool.

    1. Thank you so much Kim. The main character and family are way off in their reactions.. Be warned. It was fun to see how Loco she would get

  3. Great review!
    Also, the author of Buried Treasure read through our conversation on covers. My God I hope she didnt think the sperm comments were about her book 😂😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈🙈

        1. Hehehe me too 😂😂😂😂 I kept wondering where was sperm in the book cover. Maybe she buried it… Shhh don’t tell her. Maybe it is erotica … Buried erotica.. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

          1. Hahahahahahahaha Buried Erotica. That is my favorite thing you’ve ever said 😂😂😂😂😂😂 where’s Nina? She needs to read this comment 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

          2. Yep, the best trouble maker on the planet!! ❤❤❤

            The next time I read a bad book, I’m going to have a really difficult time not calling it Buried Erotica 🤣🤣🤣🤣

          3. Don’t worry… We are there to back you up when you are searching for sperm… Err… Buried treasure… Errr… That 2 inch was buried… It was so tiny

          4. Hahaha…. Now that we are talking about head… 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Should I go on? You started it🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Don’t encourage her Jessica!!!!!!!!!! She needs no encouragement at all. 2 inches….
      Sigh….2 inches too much in her case, I think. 😛
      Now I have to go find the buried erotica. 🤔

  4. I just bought this a few days ago for my Kindle because it was 99 cents! Looking forward to reading it!

  5. If Dan keeps pulling her chain, I can see why Chloe can’t make up her mind about anything. It’s hard to be around someone as unpredictable as he is.

    1. Chloe made choices I wouldn’t have made now. But saying that, I too have made lousy choices like she did. Being in love makes me a more forgiving person I think

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