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A beautiful story of second chance love, I enjoyed reading about Lola and Gus, lovers once, but a tower of wrong decisions caused them to break up. Cut to the present situation where Lola was trying to run a business and Gus entered her life again. But would love spark.
Having read many of this author’s books, I knew I was in for some deep and many sweet emotions. The writing was just right for me to lose my heart to. I don’t claim to be a romance reader, but some books just fit in the right space at the right time. This was one of them.
The book had romance, no doubt, but it had family at its core and dynamics of relationships, and that made me enjoy it a lot more. I liked the second chance romance and was happy to see the two get together along with Lola trying to find a foothold for her dreams.
Love and relationships made this a lovely read.
Rating: 4 out of 5.BOOK LINKS
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Lola recognized him straight away. After ten long years of telling herself that maybe she hadn’t really loved him—there he was. And straight away she knew she wanted him still.
Lola Alvarez loves working in the restaurant of Blue Hills, her family’s winery, looking out over vine-covered slopes down to the crystal-blue waters of the lake. But she is also determined to make her own mark on the business—to show her older sister Carmen that she’s not the same flighty teen she used to be.
Her plan to build gorgeous vacation cabins in the mountain meadow above the winery will be the perfect addition to Blue Hills, even if she has to go behind Carmen’s back to make her dream a reality. When Carmen sees how popular they are she’ll have to come round—right?
But then Gus Weaver comes back to town. Gus was her first love, the bad boy she used to climb out of windows to see. But he’d broken her heart when he left town suddenly, without so much as a goodbye. After that, she’d never seen him again.
Until now. As fate intervenes and they’re forced to work together on Lola’s project, sparks start to fly between them once again. But he’s led her astray before. Can Lola keep her mind on what she truly wants, when her heart—and the way it beats faster every time she looks into Gus’s blue eyes—is telling her something very different?
Publication Date: May 2021
I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.
All my reviews can be found here.

One Response
That was a nice review Shalini, btw how are you ?