
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Emma and Damp Pebbles Blog Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.

A difficult book to review. Murders of 3 kids, complicated weird characters, a police chief who took the easy way, a private investigator with vices and complex love life, and an explosive end made this a different read.

Goldcrest, the stepfather was accused of murder of the triplets. He hired a private investigator Tammy to look into it. The investigation that followed had quite a few twists.

My first book by author Andrew Segal, the story read fast. The murder mystery had me too aghast about 3 tiny tots being murdered. The author’s writing was different, it were the characters who made it so.

Twenty days from start to finish, the characters developed slowly, showing me their personal lives. Some of the subplots were quite convoluted, and the reason for the murder had me gasping and swearing quite a few choice words. What… Why… How could you? You dim-witted numbskull!! Those were a few words in my mind at the end of the book.

Overall, an interesting read, well recommended for people looking for a different read.

I received a free ARC from Emma and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Three children found murdered on Lyme Regis beach.

A local reporter announces the horrific story, throwing the quiet town into turmoil at this shocking discovery.

Unused to dealing with murder on his peaceful seaside beat, the local Detective Chief Inspector has taken the easy option, pointing a finger at the step-father, Eric Goldcrest, as the only suspect directly linked to the children.

But wealthy Goldcrest, now forced to leave the marital home by his hysterical wife and the constabulary’s suspicions, has gone to ground. The only person he can trust to prove his innocence is unconventional, Private Investigator, Tammy Pierre. But as the case gets more complicated, Tammy, uncovering new evidence becomes a target herself, when first subjected to a brutal knife attack, and then chased by three big SUVs aiming to force her off the road. She now realises the seriousness of the case as her life is at risk, but by whom?

Possible suspects, Goldcrest’s business partners admit they hate the man for the past criminal gains he’s made at their expense. Could Tammy now be within their sights?

Fresh information has the town’s folk alarmed by news of the return, after twenty years in jail, of a convicted child rapist and murderer. Someone answering his description has been seen lurking in the back gardens of the Goldcrest children’s home late at night.

But the children’s murder is just the start, as killing follows killing and Tammy, still seeking to prove Goldcrest’s innocence, finds
herself groping for solutions in a nightmare of senseless slaughter.

Might revenge be the motive? Or is there something far more sinister happening?

Publication Date: September 2019

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