Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Kelly and Love Book Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.

The Devil’s back, and this time he had a female human partner! Humor and sarcasm were at its best when Jonathan Whitelaw decided to write the Book 2 with Devil as the main character, God as the Big Man upstairs, and betrayers of humanity, Brutus and Cassius, as the ones who wanted to off the Devil. The backstabbers!! Whew, what a ride!!

Hellcorp was the Devil’s office Alice his best secretary, and the Devil was still disgruntled at not being granted his two week vacation. What’s a devil got to do to get his vacation?!! Soon the Big Guy upstairs pulled him from the downstairs and sent him to the human realm to investigate the kidnapping of Medina Cade.

Unfortunately, the Devil was popped into Earth, stark naked, in a not so well-sculpted human body (read saggy skin and potbelly) to be taken directly to the slammer. He met Laurie, the investigating officer, and soon they partnered up to get to the truth. The Natural Order of the world was also in disarray due to Brutus and Cassius. And don’t even let me get started about Judas!!

The most intriguing characters in a swift paced story had me stuck to my kindle the whole morning. Devil did grasp me with his evil machinations, hooking me to the plot, all the while my brain cells reiterating – oh he is so cute.

The author’s imagination was commendable when he placed one subplot over the other, making the story shine. Not a moment of rest did the Devil get when the twists beserked him from all angles. It must have been a tongue-in-cheek moment when Jonathan decided to make the ruler of evil incarnate, the Devil himself as a crime solving detective.

The situations Devil was placed under by the author had all the makings of a thriller. It was a no holds barred kind of a story, but written in an absolute humorous way that had me giggling and smiling at most parts, yes, even the macabre ones!! Emotions were clocked in when Laurie and her loving family made their appearance.

A book like no other, in a genre which couldn’t be defined, with characters larger than life placed in comic situations made this is a rocking ride. I would so recommend this book.


I have to admit I didn’t like book 1 much. But this book was everything a humorous thriller ought to be. It showed me that the Jonathan’s writing had grown to greater maturity. Writing humor is difficult without the slapstick comedy. In this, the author has nailed it. Pure unadulterated fun!!

I received a free ARC from Kelly and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Jonathan Whitelaw is an author, journalist and broadcaster. After working on the frontline of Scottish politics, he moved into journalism. Subjects he has covered have varied from breaking news, the arts, culture and sport to fashion, music and even radioactive waste – with everything in between. He’s also a regular reviewer and talking head on shows for the BBC and STV. The Man in the Dark is a sequel to the bestselling HellCorp.


Jonathan Whitelaw



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The Devil’s back – and he’s STILL not had a holiday.

There’s another mystery to solve – a woman kidnapped by terrorists and the world trying to find her. While he hates doing God’s bidding, The Devil can’t resist trying to put one over on Him. But nothing is EVER that simple.

While The Devil helps the London cops crack the case, there’s trouble in the Underworld. And two of humanity’s greatest backstabbers – Brutus and Cassius – are sharpening their knives with an eye on stealing his crown.

It’s a race against time to find the girl, be the bad guy and maybe, just maybe, stop the apocalypse.

Publication Date: 26th September 2019

Publisher: Urbane Publications

14 Responses

  1. What an interesting premise! Sheesh. This review is beautiful! I think you have a secret power that takes over you when you write because I’ve never read a badly written review from you!!❤❤❤❤

    1. This was a fascinating book. Book 1 had fart jokes in front of pope… I didn’t like it at all. In this writing had changed and things were more humorous.
      I hate below the belt jokes. Who wants to read about fart, pee, shit? Blehhh
      Some of the author requests have such jokes as humor.
      I want to say that their books are the same. I stop reading and then responding to them 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

      1. Yikes. I do not like jokes like that. I’m glad this book came through.

        I have never had such an author request but I would delete and not reply too! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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