
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.

Ah, this book was a journey. It told me the story of Mrs Bright and daughter Stella along with the letters to and from her best friend Ursula (Bear), who had migrated to Australia.

One day, after 29 years of marriage when letters from Bear stopped coming since the past 6 months, Kay decided to walk out of her marriage. She went to Sydney to meet Bear, then to Venice then came back home with new realizations.

My first book by author Beth Miller, the story told me their lives in the present and past. Both Kay and Ursula were adorable, but I liked Stella once she decided to stand up for herself. Strength personified these women and I liked how the bold strikes of the author made them real.

The depth of emotions were missing, I couldn’t cry at any of the scene. That was a good thing for me as I didn’t want an overly emotional book. The story had humor interspersed with truths and facts of life. Friendship between the best friends made me smile. They sure went through the rigmaroles of life.

Overall, a sweet read filled with strength and bittersweet moments of friendship and family.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

You’ve met Mrs Bright. She’s that nice woman who lives three doors down and always smiles at you in the mornings. She’s planning her thirtieth wedding anniversary with her husband. She wants to travel, read endless books and take beautiful pictures. She’s been waiting for this forever.

For the past twenty-nine years, Kay Bright’s days have had a familiar rhythm: she works in her husband’s stationery shop, cooks for her family, tries to remember to practice yoga, and every other month she writes to her best friend, Ursula, and Ursula replies. Kay could set her calendar by their letters: her heart lifts when the blue airmail envelope, addressed in Ursula’s slanting handwriting, falls gently onto the mat.

Ursula is the only one who knows Kay’s deepest secret, something that happened decades ago that could tear Kay’s life apart today. Ursula has always been the person Kay relies on. Knowing she will hear from Ursula is like being sure the sun will rise tomorrow.

And now Ursula has stopped writing. Three missing letters doesn’t sound like a lot, but Kay gets out her shoebox of notes from her best friend, in case there’s something she overlooked. Ursula seems fine, but the further back she goes, the more Kay begins to question every choice she has made in her life. Which might be why, at ten o’clock one morning, Kay walks out of her yellow front door with a just a rucksack, leaving her wedding ring on the table…

Publication Date: January 2020

Publisher: Bookouture

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