
Digital Reads Reviews

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Ooooh… trust author Georgina Cross to run a great scam and fool me in her latest thriller.

Sabine went missing from the poolside after sending an indecipherable look at Erica. What did that mean? Her bracelet too was found at the edge of the area nearing the woods. A broken door and blood streaks at the doorway of her home were later found by her husband Mark. What happened to Sabine?

The book was from Erica’s POV as she along with her best friend Tish tried to make sense of the incident. Secrets were revealed and masks were thrown away as the claws came out. Each of them around Sabine had something to hide. The story in the present was conducted within the four walls of Erica’s home which I found to be quite intriguing; the world outside came alive via messages and apps.

I loved how the author made use of social media namely Facebook where a page devoted to Sabine was quickly created, a group was made, followed by discussion and inference of what could have happened to Sabine. It was fun to see how the world really revolved when someone went missing. The wicked ones soon came out of the woodwork.

The book changed its tangential course at 60% and moved at a warped speed at 70%. Nothing could have pulled me away from my kindle. There were a few things I suspected, though the author gave away nothing. But nobody would be a main character unless they had a bigger part to play. The twists hit me hard when the truth was finally released. Hoorah for girl power.

A note of humor – only a man would think that wearing only a mustache was a great disguise wherein nobody would recognize him.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


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They live in the big houses on the pretty street. Those other women, as we call them. And to think I used to want to be like them, to have their money and happiness, to live and laugh and play like them. Not any more.

It’s the fourth of July and the whole town is gathered at the local pool. Through the sweltering afternoon, we single mothers don’t mix with the other women—the ones with the perfect lives and happy marriages. Women like Sabine Miller. But when Sabine shoots me a desperate look across the water and suddenly disappears, my blood runs cold…

Running to the back gate, all I find is a gold charm bracelet she dropped on her way out. I convince myself I’m imagining things until Sabine’s husband Mark appears. When he realizes she’s missing, he phones the cops straight away. “Someone has been threatening Sabine,” he says. “Now they’ve kidnapped her.”

Hours later, I wish I’d run faster. The whole town is searching the streets, calling Sabine’s name over and over. On the TV, Mark is begging for someone to bring his wife home.

The truth is, I was the last person to see her alive—and it’s killing me inside. Now the cops are at my door asking questions. I’m terrified they’ll find out what happened years ago between me and Sabine. Something I’ve never told anyone.

But I need to tell someone. Can you keep a secret?


Publication Date: January 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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