
Digital Reads Reviews

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Loved the premise of the book where an accident caused the car to crash into the water where mother Lizzie had the option of saving only one of her daughters. This story dealt with the aftermath and repercussions of that line decision.

My first foray into author Laura Jarratt’s writing. I loved the concept. The chapter of her diving into the cold water to save her daughter then attempting to go back to save the other, followed by near death of both was excruciating and exhilarating. I could imagine the scene as it happened.

There was suspense in the writing when the cops were called in. Had Lizzie caused the accident or was there something darker at play. Twists took hold of the prose, and it held me in delicious enthrall.

Then came my niggles. Nothing happened beyond the first section. The story was slow, and apparently the blurb content was all that was exciting about the book. That was a pity as this had potential and could have been one of the best thrillers.

So all my love was for the first few chapters. 9 to be precise. If you’d like to check the veracity of my words, the links for the books are given below


Rating: 2 out of 5.


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Two Girls. One Chance.

When Lizzie’s car crashes with her two daughters inside, she faces a terrible choice. And when she recovers from her injuries, she has to deal with the impact of that tragedy as well as the police investigation into it.

As Lizzie and her family struggle to come to terms with the events of that night, things take an even darker turn. Just what did happen on that remote country road? Who is responsible? And can the family get through this together…Or will the truth finally tear them apart?


Publication Date: March 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

10 Responses

  1. I was tempted to request a copy on NetGalley when I saw it but decided against it as have so many books to get through.Now having read your review I’m glad I didn’t!

    1. I tell ya only you would think so. Been missing chatting with you. Maybe when you get up and are done with your walk, would love a gab

  2. Great premise. Too bad the followthrough was less than stellar. It sounds like your review was fair. They can not all be five star books.

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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