
Digital Reads Reviews

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The story started well with Nick and Amber splitting up, the reasons of it were hinted at, and the mother-in-law opposing the split. The house was put up for sale and no bites. That made the MIL happy as she was hiding something which was kept in shadows until the end.

The estate agent suggested an open house to build up interest. 13 people entered and only 12 left. Where was the last one? The children soon complained of someone watching them at night.

What can I say about this book?! Author Sam Carrington started the story with a bang, building up the intrigue in every page.

And then…

It frittered away when the main character Amber made weird (read: dumb) choices. I was ready to prod and push her to the right ones. But her world existed on a viewpoint from a fishbowl.

The story had intrigue and suspense


The scenes became repetitive…

I had many theories about the reasons of her house not selling


The same suspects were pushed to the forefront.

The characters showed promise and made me curious about them


They became caricatures and the depth in them disappeared.

The writing was great, fast paced and suspenseful


It lost its steam

The plot line appeared strong and exciting


The ending spoiled it all. It was so unbelievable

I read and enjoyed most parts of it. I wished it kept to the same vein it started out with. The last few chapters left me way out of the ballpark which might be a good thing for some.

Read it to believe it!!


Rating: 3 out of 5.


AMAZON USA: https://amzn.to/3mYQWL7

AMAZON UK: https://amzn.to/3n32M77


Everyone’s welcome. But not everyone leaves…

Nick and Amber Miller are splitting up and selling their Devon family home. But despite the desirable location, the house isn’t moving. Not a single viewing so far.

When their estate agent suggests an open house event, Amber agrees, even as she worries about their gossiping neighbours attending and snooping around their home.

But Amber has more to worry about than nosy neighbours. Because thirteen people enter her house that afternoon, and only twelve leave.

Someone doesn’t want the house to sell, and is willing to do anything to stop it…


Publication Date:

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

12 Responses

  1. I hate that this book was a good read…until…it wasn’t 😊. Loved the format for your review in this one. The fun style made it not sound too negative but definitely got your point across. Great review! Sorry it was a clunker of a read ❤️

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