
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Sarah and BOTBS Publicity for my spot on this Blog Tour.

A fantastic ride which had my heart and thriller-y mind soaring high with each pump of the adrenaline into my veins. The book certainly got my heart to jumpstart many times.

I am an anesthesiologist so a story which dealt with the surgeon Jake Thorn being accused of kidnapping a young nurse had my imagination fired up. You bet I couldn’t let go of the book. How could I? The social media crucified the doc, and that made me want to fire up a lot of people who didn’t support this doc. Woah! This book made me so volatile. You betcha nobody in my family approached me during my entire read.

My first book by author Dylan Young, I loved it. The plot kept me wondering how Jake would come out of the quicksand that showed him sinking deeper with each chapter. I loved his brain and courage, and the determination that he had to face the situation had me rooting for him. Life as a doc was not easy, especially when unknown strangers on social media took potshots at him… Ugghh!!!!

The author’s writing sure kept me hopping as I scrambled to find a clue. A feather of a hint crossed his brain, and my fingers couldn’t stop tapping on the kindle to make him get to the truth. To be honest, this was a very reactive read for me. I was kept strictly in isolation.

And the final end… Oh my!! It was expectedly unexpected, and in some ways, I knew the author would take this course. It was such a satisfying read… I thought I did well in my reading isolation.

To the author if you ever read this post

Wow!! The book was fine, but that was not all. To have a surgeon who did RA and a Lap Chol along with 3 majors and complete the OT list by 12:40 pm, I want to work with such surgeons. Mine used to take the whole day. They are better now with my constant prodding…err encouragement. Just saying… And giggling..

I received a free ARC from Sarah and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

If your life was on the line, how far would you go?

Surgeon Jacob Thorn isn’t worried when the police interview him over nurse Katy Leith’s disappearance. She is a co-worker, nothing more. 
But when a leaked video of him and the missing woman arguing goes viral, the social media reaction is vicious.

When harrowing images of the kidnapped woman start to appear on his phone, along with a demand from her abductor that Jake confesses to a crime he has no recollection of committing, he is forced to act or face terrifying consequences.

He needs to delve into the past for answers. But time is running out for Katy.

Will he admit to his failings and lose everything, or plead ignorance and let an innocent girl die?

Publication Date: January 2020

11 Responses

  1. Shalini, thanks so much for reading and reviewing. I’m glad you enjoyed the ride. We both know that surgeons That will take all day on one case and others that race through. I made Jake one of the quicker ones. Acutely aware that there’s always someone else waiting to get sorted out😇 with best wishes.

  2. been approved.
    Shalini, thanks so much for reading and reviewing. I’m glad you enjoyed the ride. We both know surgeons Who take all day on one case and others that race through. I made Jake one of the quicker ones. Acutely aware that there’s always someone else waiting to get sorted out😇 with best wishes.
    Ignore my first comment. So many typos!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, not many authors do. So happy you liked my review. I loved your book. Got to read more of your earlier works

  3. I hope your isolation was self-imposed and not the one step away from the white coats and straight-jackets type 😉

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