
Digital Reads Reviews

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2 sisters separated by distance and time. Jess got the opportunity to come back home to her sister Rachel in the course of her work. And it gave them a chance to forge a new relationship, letting go of old resentments.

Beautiful story by this author that brought a smile on my face with characters who were real and likable.

The problems in both their lives were relatable. I loved how authentic the author’s writing was, where I could feel for both of them.

Emotions were palpable in the story where I got to understand both their lives and cheer for their bond. I loved how I was so immersed in this story.

There was romance but kept at the background. Relationships and family were the core of this book.

I love this author, as her books always leave me with a huge smile on my face and hope in my heart.


Rating: 5 out of 5.


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She knows what’s best for everyone but herself…

With a past like hers, Jessica Clayton feels safer in a life spent on the road. She’s made a career out of helping others downsize–because she’s learned the hard way that the less “stuff,” the better, a policy she applies equally to her relationships. But a new client is taking Jess back to Cape Sanctuary, a town she once called home…and that her little sister, Rachel, still does. The years apart haven’t made a dent in the guilt Jess still carries after a handgun took the lives of both their parents and changed everything between them.

While Jess couldn’t wait to put the miles between her and Cape Sanctuary, Rachel put down roots, content for the world–and her sister–to think she has a picture-perfect life. But with the demands of her youngest child’s disability, Rachel’s marriage has begun to fray at the seams. She needs her sister now more than ever, yet she’s learned from painful experience that Jessica doesn’t do family, and she shouldn’t count on her now.

Against her judgment, Jess finds herself becoming attached–to her sister and her family, even to her client’s interfering son, Nate–and it’s time to put everything on the line. Does she continue running from her painful past, or stay put and make room for the love and joy that come along with it?


Publication Date: March 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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