
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

I somehow had a feeling that this book by author Shalini Boland was going to be a fabulous read. I hadn’t liked her previous 2 books. And my intuition proved correct. This was one heck of a ride!!

The story started with an absolute heart stopping bang – little Katie was missing with mother Gemma and elder daughter Eva frantically searching for her. I thought that would be the beginning of a missing child arc. But nooooo… That was a feint by Ms. Boland. And story went on to become so much deeper and better.

Gemma and Robert were a busy working couple, who needed a tutor for Eva, and mother in law Diane found nanny Sadie for them. And the story started rolling…

I thought I knew where the plot was going but somewhere in my mind, I had a feeling that the author wouldn’t be giving us a straightforward oft-repeated trope. And boy, was I right!! The plot took a deep swerve and landed where I least expected.

It was a great finish but I knew this time the epilogue would pack a wallop. And so it did… Well played, Ms. Bolland. Game, set, and match all to you!!

My niggles were some unanswered questions, and I kind of suspected the last truth. But the story kept me gripped from start to finish. I hardly took time to breathe. The book did cause a fervored brow and a spike in my heart rate. Overall a great thriller!!

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 4.5 stars

Book blurb

Gemma Ballantine is getting ready for work one morning when her eldest child comes running down the stairs, saying the words every mother dreads.

The front door is open. And her six-year-old daughter has disappeared. Frantic with fear, Gemma starts a nail-biting search for her little girl.

After what feels like forever, her mother-in-law Diane finds Katie wandering lost a few streets away. Relieved to have her youngest child back in her arms, breathing in the sweet scent of her hair, Gemma thinks the nightmare is over.

But then her perfect family starts to fall apart.

And she realises it’s only just beginning…

Product Details

Publication date : 6th November, 2018

Publisher : Bookouture

59 Responses

  1. Yeah! You found a good one after the last dud. I’ll bet there were no nail painting activities during this read! Haha. Great review, Shalini. I’m off to check this one out. Happy Tuesday to you. 🙂

  2. I’ve been trying to decide which of her books to read next, and I think this review just sealed the deal! I loved the writing style of The Secret Mother but wasnt 100% satisfied with the story. So, I’ve been super curious to read another. I had it narrowed down to 2 that I’m ready to give a go…. but now, I think I’ll go with this one! 🤔 great review!

    1. Yayy Didi, that is fabulous. I didn’t like her previous 2 books. But she has managed to weave quite a tale in this. Go with this. This is a fun read🎉💃🎊😘😘

  3. Excellent review, Shalini!! I like that word, “feint.” I’d never heard it before so I had to look it up. I’m going to add this one to my tbr as you’ve piqued my interest since it sounds like it’s not what appears to be the obvious. Thanks for reviewing. 😉

    1. I think Laurie, it is used in boxing more… Hehehe. Somedays there is a light bulb above my head which switches on. Most times, it is off. 🙈🙈 How’s your health darling. Sorry I didn’t reply to mail. Had 2 days of headache so everything was kept away in the dark room…

      1. 😂 at that monkey face!! 😂

        I’m so sorry about the headaches, Shalini. 😔 Are you feeling better now?

        Thanks for asking. I’ll email you an update when I get a chance. Probably within the next couple of days. 😊

  4. Wonderful review Shalini. Isn’t it awesome when you think you know where a story is going then BAM, it switches up and goes somewhere else. I am so glad this was a better one from her than the last. I am looking forward to reading this one.

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