
Digital Reads Reviews

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Two women who were mothers with small children where author Vitoria Jenkins revealed the life of one while keeping the other shaded, building up the suspense.

Playdates between the two kids were arranged but things start happening to both of them, one subtly and the other, blatantly. My needle of suspicion kept swaying between the two, with theories formulated in my mind about how the two women could be connected.

I couldn’t connect to both ladies, though for me, the book became faster after 60% where I felt it entertained more. The ending was unpredictable. Not really sure how I felt about it.

Overall, an interesting read


Rating: 3 out of 5.


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Arranging the playdate was easy. Child’s play. Preparing the house was more difficult. It was only now she realised how many photographs there were: the picture-perfect unit. Wife, husband, child. All of it a lie.

I made a new friend at playgroup today. She’s different from the other mothers. She feels like someone I can trust. Someone I can confide in.

But there are some things I can’t tell her. Things I can’t tell anyone.

Because I have a secret that no one else knows. One that still haunts my dreams, wakes me up in cold sweat at night.

Even another mother would never understand. Unless, of course, she’s hiding something too…


Publication Date: May 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

5 Responses

  1. Ooohh I have this one on my shelf to read, will be interesting to see if I feel the same. Thanks for the review Shalini.😊

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