
Digital Reads Reviews

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This was a story about a missing sister which caught my attention.

Anna seemed to have found happiness with husband Guy who provided her with security and pots of money which satisfied her inner cravings. But her twin sister was lost to her when they were together in foster care. And Anna wanted to find her.

Author M. M. DeLuca made an earnest attempt to provide a story which dealt with the realities of life. The repercussion of early years of abandonment and abuse were shown within the boundaries of a fictional story. Some parts got a bit too graphic. I had to skip them, lest I got triggered.

But the story meandered quite a lot… I mean a lot, so the suspense got diluted. Anna too was difficult to like or empathize. There were moments of vulnerability followed my sensitivity so I was not too keen on her.

Child abuse, substance abuse, foster care problems could trigger some of us. The book was too long and quite difficult to read unless you had the fortitude for it. The ending was quite different

One part of me understood the realities, but the other wanted a good suspenseful tale as promised in the blurb. That I did not get. Hence disappointed.


Rating: 2.5 out of 5.


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The truth always comes out…
I want to tell my husband, Guy, everything about my past. Honestly, I do. He’s been so wonderful, providing me with a life of comfort and love a world away from the dark life I had before.

He deserves the truth.

But if he finds out who I really am, the perfect life I’ve built will come crashing down around my ears. And that can’t happen. Not yet. Not until I reveal the truth about what happened to my little sister.


Publication Date: March 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

4 Responses

  1. Dear Shalini I don’t want to lie to you. I am a nonfiction lover and prefer to read nonfiction more often. But since the last few days, I am getting an urge to read something from fiction. After reading your review about the book, I have got curious about the book and want to know what’s more inside.

    And one thing I must say about you that you got good hands which know what to write. Nothing extra, no unnecessary flashy words. I really liked that.

    wish to know the names of ew more fiction books so that I can try a new genre other than my usual and won’t be disappointed. And you would be the best person to ask, no doubt about that. I will be eagerly waiting for your reply.

    Happy reading!!

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