Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.
Brilliant! Brilliant! Super freaking brilliant!!
Why do I have to say anything more?
Jessie was the journalist, investigating the murder of Charlotte Kinkaid in Central Park. The case was close to her heart as years ago, Jessie too was found badly beaten, half dead. She became the face of a survivor, a success story who now wrote about other victims from their POV. This murder pulled not only on her instincts but also on the past, to her ordeal.
My first book by author Dana Perry, I have to say it aloud – he is a master storyteller who could write a book like a ball of yarn where nobody other than him knew how it would end. A shocker of a finish. Jessie was endearing, in fact, I was quite shocked to learn a male author had portrayed her so well. She was complexed and layered. I loved the fact that the author showed that a survivor would never trust anyone completely. A tiny nugget of distrust keeps us alive always.
Twists and secrets, turns and reveals, lies and truth made this book a fabulous read. For me, not a moment was spent where I felt the information given to me was not needed. I loved how the made this story rocking. Thrills were injected at the right places which made me long for more. Twists were hidden with the sleight of the hand till they were revealed with a bang.
I could go on and on about how much I loved this book. But end it here saying – I did love the book!! You got that, right?
I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.
All my reviews can be read here
14 Responses
Thanks for that wonderful review! Gotta love it when someone calls me “brilliant!”
Thank you. I loved your book. All I can say – more please
Thanks for the wonderful review, Shalini! Gotta love it when someone calls you “brilliant!”
You’re just a little bit too excited about this book for me to bypass it, Shalini💜😏 Super review!
Thank you ❤️ Jonetta hope you love it too
Wonderful review, Shalini! Your love for this book shines through.
This was fantastic Marialyce. I loved it. The twist omg the twists…
Fantastic review – I enjoyed this book and being in Jessie’s head
You are a fast reader. Amazing… So happy you liked it too
That looks interesting. Smiles, NO, I’m not related to the author of that entry or of that book. Peace. artfromperry
Thank you so much ❤️ I loved the book
Thanks to all again for the great comments! Glad you enjoyed reading about Jessie Tucker as much as I enjoy writing about her….
I loved the book. Thank you so much for commenting here. It’s an honor
Thank you ❤️ Jonetta hope you love it too