Many thanks to Shannon and R & R Book Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.
There are books which have to be read at the right time. Each book sends the right message at the right time when we would be more receptive to what it says. I would be honest enough to admit that I am not in the frame of mind to really get into the depths of the story, to listen to the whispers the words utter, to understand the emotions that this book was trying to send across to me.
I like my books fast because my frame of mind demands it. I need to be distracted from my real life, and this book needed a depth and an insight which is lacking in me at the moment. So my review would be based on my understanding of this book as of today.
Emma has a childhood which is sort of happy where the father is an actor and the mother a housewife. An absentee father and a mother with mental health problems leads to repercussions in the child. Then the mother dies and the child Emma blames the absentee father, and the book tells me the story of her life.
My first book by Charlie Laidlaw, the book felt long where it told me day to day life story of Emma. The author’s writing had me following her turmoil and thoughts, the incidents and the disasters. Many events of her life had its own twists, and I liked the way she came out of them. Emma coped in her own way till it got difficult. The last 30% was where I liked the book. There was this strange pain in my heart when Emma spoke to her doc. Her life as seen at different stages of her life like a story in a journal made me feel sad. You could say I connected with her then.
The book is for a niche audience who like the way each day is written in long lines and longer tangential emotions. Overall, I would say one needs to be in the right frame of mind to understand the hidden layers of this book.
I received a digital copy of the book from R & R Book Tours and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!
All my reviews can be read here
I’m the author of two novels, The Things We Learn When We’re Dead and The Space Between Time (due June this year). A third novel, Love Potions and Other Calamities, is due to be published by the end of the year.
I was born and brought up in the west of Scotland, and am a graduate of the University of Edinburgh. I still have the scroll, but it’s in Latin, so it could say anything. I then worked briefly as a street actor, baby photographer, puppeteer and restaurant dogsbody before becoming a journalist. I started in Glasgow and ended up in London, covering news, features and politics.
Surprisingly, I was approached by a government agency to work in intelligence, which just shows how shoddy government recruitment was back then. However, it turned out to be very boring and I don’t like vodka martini. Craving excitement and adventure, I ended up as a PR consultant, which is the fate of all journalists who haven’t won a Pulitzer Prize.
I also teach creative writing to aspiring authors. I am married with two grown-up children and live in East Lothian. And that’s about it.
Emma Maria Rossini appears to be the luckiest girl in the world. She’s the daughter of a beautiful and loving mother, and her father is one of the most famous film actors of his generation. She’s also the granddaughter of a rather eccentric and obscure Italian astrophysicist.
But as her seemingly charmed life begins to unravel, and Emma experiences love and tragedy, she ultimately finds solace in her once-derided grandfather’s Theorem on the universe.
The Space Between Time is humorous and poignant and offers the metaphor that we are all connected, even to those we have loved and not quite lost.
Publication Date: 20th June 2019
Publisher: Accent Press
45 Responses
Thanks for your honest opinion! I’ve worked with Shannon at R&R since I came on here, and she is a wonderful person!
I agree…. I work on and off with her
Thank you ❤️
Yeah, she’s the best. 🙂 Always welcome!
Lovely review. I like how you explained which parts worked for you and which didn’t and why.
This is how I answered my exams… A whole lot of nothing 🙈🙈🤪🤪😂😂
Ha Hahahaha. Behave!
I always do… Point to be noted here.. You just said behave… That meant I can behave bad!!! Thank you… Whew.. Expect to be barraged by my comments on your post
I really need to be very very specific when talking you 😂
Thanks Shalini! As always, you get straight to the heart of it! Thanks for being on this tour ❤
Thank you so much for having me… It was fun teasing you when my name disapeared🤪😂 and I didnt get the masterlist of bloggers in tour 😂😂
It is magic Shannon, no idea how this review even came about 🤷♀️
I appreciate your honest review Shalini and I completely agree with the way you began it. There are times, for whatever reason, that you’re just not in the right mood for certain books.
I read thriller and horror because now I want my mind so distracted that sadness and other stress doesn’t touch me while reading… Maybe one day this book will impact me more 💕
Well done – this sounds like a heart-squeezer
It was in some ways 😘❤️
I already commented on Goodreads, but again, I applaud your sincerity in your reviews. Not everyone is going to love every book, and yet you still know how to write a beautiful review. ❤
We have to ask Charlie if he liked this review 😂😂😂 he will think I am too dumb 😂😂
Hahaha noooo!!!
As a mood reader, I totally relate. I think some books reach us only when we read them at the right time. Great review!
Exactly… I have read books which tell me different things at different times… 💕
You’re right, Shalini, reading must match your mood in order to be appreciated. Thanks for your honesty while writing this review 🙂
Thank you so much Jacquie ❤️ I struggled with this book and the review.. The author might not like it
Authors grow thick skins. We can’t write something to please everyone. Don’t feel bad ❤️
Being in the right frame of mind is so crucial to an appreciation for a book! Terrific review, Shalini!
Marialyce, I agree… Since I am going through some problems, I need fast and furious books 📚
I hope your problems soon will be ending, Shalini. 🌸
Love the review, Shalini! Fantastic your explaination how you get closer to the books. Thank you, Michael
Thank you so much Michael ❤️
Always a great pleasure to me, Shalini! Thank you for your efforts on making wonderful reviews. Michael
Great review Shalini! I was I was as eloquent as you are at putting my feelings/thoughts into a review.
Thank you so much… Actually I was shocked by my review… I wrote it at 1am as I knew in the day time I would only be analyzing 😂😂
Well you did a great job!!
A glass of wine + 1am = great reviews
I don’t drink though I think once I meet Nina, I would start
In my case lack of sleep + 1am = review.. 😂 😂 😂
I agree with you, mood affects a lot how we feel about the book. I’m going to read this next month so I’ll make sure I’m reading it in good mood. Great review!
Enjoy yourself. I am eager to read your review 😍
Good to know you need to be in the right frame of mind to read this. Awesome review!
Thank you so much ❤️
Great review, Shalini. I like what you said about being in the right mood for certain reads. Totally in agreement with you.
Thank you Diana… Some books need that mental space
WOW, Shalini, those first two paragraphs totally hit it. So true for all of us, I’m sure. I’ve experienced the same and so hard to get into it when you are trying at the wrong time.