
Digital Reads Reviews

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Happy Publication Day!!

I am writing this review with tears flowing down my eyes. Every single line of this book resonated with me. I could see myself in the main character Thomasina, who was born a little different with a cleft lip, weak heart, and deformity of hand and foot. (mine are not outwardly physical, but they are there).

Operated in childhood for the cleft lip, the doc did a terrible job with suturing and she was nicknamed Hitch for that scar. (I had for 3 heart surgeries more than twenty years ago, and the doc messed it up). Thomasina (and I) was on medications and was protected by her parents on their farm. She lived a closed life, but her dreams were open and big and as vast as the skies (mine are too). Her life was lonely with most seeing her outward appearance and not her heart.

Then came Grayson, a man who was probably on the spectrum, but who knew what he wanted and he never lied. He wanted Thomasina forever and ever. This was their story, honest and true and oh so filled with love. 2 people just perfect for each other who could see beyond what this world labeled as imperfections.

I have read most books by Ms. Amanda Prowse, and the best are those which make me cry and where I see myself in her characters. I cried and cried and I am still crying while writing this review. Ms. Prowse’s writing was superfluous, the emotions in each word had me choking.

Thomasina and Grayson had their own problems, they lived and worked in different parts. Their lives intersected and they found each other. Their hearts beat as one. But they had their own responsibilities, and it took great courage and a willingness to change to live their love.

Innocence was never better written, dreams never better foretold. I sighed and swooned over the lines in this book. I could hardly see my kindle with eyes that were constantly getting blurred.

Ms. Prowse took my heart in her hands with this story. She covered it with hope for a brighter tomorrow, she gave my heart wings to fly and my dreams to soar. I could keep going on about what I saw in this book. It was an experience seen and read with an open mind.

No truer words have I ever spoken than these

Ms. Amanda Prowse is the queen of emotions. She is the only author in this world who can make me cry and smile at the same time. My favorite forever.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Amazon Publishing UK, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be read here

Thomasina ‘Hitch’ Waycott loves living and working on the remote family farm and B&B. But she also wants more. To see the world. To own her own home. To fall madly in love.

But those are fairy tales, and if her life is a fairy tale, then she’s the ugly duckling. Her deformed lip, her crooked limbs and her weak heart have kept her from taking chances. But that’s about to change.

When Grayson Potts comes to stay, he’s unlike anyone Thomasina has ever met. He’s aloof, eccentric and exceptionally kind. He’s also totally unconcerned with the physical flaws that have always defined Thomasina.

The two form a bond that neither has had before. It’s possible that it could become something more, but Thomasina also wonders if it’s too good to be true. By putting her heart on the line, Thomasina may open herself to heartbreak. But she may also open herself to so much more.

Publication Date: 11th June 2019

Publisher: Amazon Publishing UK

88 Responses

    1. Oh really? I didn’t know.. I just saw the publishing date and read it in the morning, didn’t have anything scheduled today… Will check twitter

  1. Well, your review is the only one I have read so far and you got me almost crying too. I’m definitely getting this book. I’m sorry you had to experience so much pain Shalini. Hope all your dreams will come true. You have such a beautiful soul. Much love and special hugs.

      1. Yes, we are. We need supportive women like you that encourage us. You are so inspiring Shalini. Stay strong dear friend. Hugs.

  2. Well, now I understand why you prefer such strong heroines, because you are so incredibly strong yourself! How can the rest of us even compare to you? You are simply amazing, girl! I hope someday we can meet in person so I can give you a big hug and a huge thank you for impacting my life in the wonderful way you have. 🙂
    And of course, though it doesn’t need to be said, I love the review. Simply fantastic! It is so hard to make emotions come across on the page, so this is one author I will definitely have to check out. We can all learn from others, and I can honestly say I have learned so much from you. Love you, girl! XXX OOO!

    1. Oh Leslie, you are absolutely wonderful… I thank the heavens for our friendship. We women are all strong. Just sometimes life kicks us a bit too much. I have learned so much from you. You have a gentleness about you that I can only hope to have one day 😘😘😘😘

      Amanda Prowse books are on kindle unlimited.. Hope you like them.

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  4. What a beautiful review, Shalini. And you are so strong and beautiful! I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. Hugs, lovely!

      1. You’re welcome! That’s so true. I know we talked some about my multiple miscarriages and stillbirths. When I read a book that touches on that or even about a dead infant, it really gets to me since I’ve held my own in my arms. I think these things make us stronger, if we let them that is. 💕

        1. I agree.

          But some days they get to us too.. Today after reading, my past came crashing down on me. I could barely breathe. But that eased slowly

          1. That definitely happens too. I picked up a ARC a couple of weeks ago that I had to set aside because it brought on too much grief and I was left with too much pain. Maybe another time I can read it. I’m sending you hugs and lots of good thoughts.

  5. Stunning review as always, Shalini! You legitimately made me welled up with your review… this sounds so amazing, definitely check this one!

  6. What a beautiful, moving review. And you are a strong, incredible women, Shalini. Happy to have found your blog and met you <3

  7. Oh Shalini, you have me crying now, for Thomasina, for you and also for me. Emotional and physical wounds always seem to be just below the surface, ready to come rushing back in super vivid memories at the slightest reminder.What you have been through is what makes you so sensitive and understanding of others’ pain. But it really would be nice to erase all the bad memories forever and ever.

    1. Oh Sheela… I think some days are for the past where we need to grieve for the Innocent us.
      It is easy to say accept the past but the scars are always there. I cried the whole of yesterday for that child (me) with dreams…. Today I am okay as new dreams, new day
      I wish I could erase all the pain that women go through… But we still have to bear our crosses

      1. Its at times like this that it all seems so grossly unfair..bearing our crosses is what we try to do so bravely.Oh well, life goes on and as you say, new dreams, new day

  8. some books are written so beautifully, they seem to be speaking directly to us, our hearts and experiences. obviously this was one that resonated with you. glad you enjoyed so much, and sorry you’ve had so much sorrow in your life so far.

  9. Amazing review Shalini. Every book I have read by Amanda Prowse has caused my emotions to overflow into my eyes. A personal connection to a story or character always make it so much better. Hugs Shalini.

  10. What beautifully written, heart-felt review! I don’t think I’ve ever read anything this author but based on your review I think I should!

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