
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Victoria Joss and publisher Aria for my spot on this Blog Tour.

I am in absolute shock over what I have read. The author Naomi Joy is brilliant and evil. She has taken a real life event and written a story so convincing that I had a hard time separating the truth from lies. I thought I have read it all… But nooo… This author with her wicked plot line kept me so confused in the entire story that even when I wanted to stop reading, I couldn’t.

Emelia had a fatal heart condition, so when she met Anthony she found him to be a caring person till post marriage, she realized he cared way too much. It was a controlling sort of a caring. The only freedom she had was to write a blog to tell her followers the truth about her life. Soon she received evidence about her husband’s past. And things were not as it seemed.

How do I even write anything more in this review? The entire story was told to me as blog posts. Each word was convincing with the right emotions. The story was a mirage, but it was real too. The life was a lie, but it was the truth too. The story was written in shadows; I knew there was something more which was hiding from me. I could feel the truth in front of me, but I couldn’t see it. There were a couple of clues, but I didn’t deem it important.

I have to say it Naomi Joy is brilliantly evil. The lattice of her plot made me awestruck of her brain, they merged yet there was a thread of discord. How did she even think of it? The only metaphor I could think of is – House of Mirrors. How would you know if the image was real or simply a reflection?

I dare every blogger to read it, stick with it, live it, breathe it and then tell me – have you ever met Emelia?

A breath-taking read!!

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher Aria, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Perfect wife. Perfect life. Perfect crime.

Anthony is not the man everyone believes him to be. And Emelia is not the woman he wants her to be.

Theirs was a whirlwind romance, Anthony was the doting boyfriend, the charismatic and successful career man who swept her off her feet. But now Emelia is trapped in a marriage of dark secrets and obsession. She is no more than something Anthony wants to ‘fix’, one of his pet projects.

Emelia has no escape from the life that Anthony insists on controlling, so she shares her story through the only means she can – her blog. Yet Anthony can never find out. Forced to hide behind a false name, Emelia knows the only way that Anthony will allow her to leave him, is death.

Trapped with a man she knows is trying to kill her, Emelia is determined that someone will hear her story and Anthony will meet his ends. That everyone will discover the truth.

Publication Date: 5th September 2019

Publisher: Aria

10 Responses

  1. Gasp – Based on your excellent review – I will take you up on that dare. I raced to netgallery and snagged me a copy!

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