
Digital Reads Reviews

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Loved the book that began with a missing child and a hint of all not being well with the family and the suspense never let up. It was as if the author knew what I wanted and delivered it with a bang in a neat package.

A suspenseful book which was set in a family drama where the equations and things in the background kept constantly changing. It took me some time to plot the characters in my mind. But it all soon fell into place.

I loved how the author M. M. Chouinard kept pulling and pushing them to reveal their shades. It was a synchronized dance to make the scenes fit in seamlessly.

Extremely swift in its pace or it could be me who wanted to get to the end to know what happened to the missing child that I raced through the book. I loved how my need-to-know-instantly built up in me. My heart raced; I felt alive. Who wouldn’t love this rush?

Needless to say, I enjoyed this book immensely as it clicked all the points I loved in a book. Family and masks, the hidden sins and pretense, the author and her precision. They all went together beautifully.


Rating: 5 out of 5.


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One of them is missing… One of them did it…

The Thanksgiving retreat was meant to be a time for them to get away from it all, miles from the secrets that threaten to tear their family apart. But they’re each hiding something:

Rose hopes the pretty house overlooking the sea is just the break her family needs. But as she gazes at the water and remembers her own childhood, she is utterly terrified.

Brandon knows his wife Rose has barely forgiven him for his affair. He’s started drinking again, a road that led him to disaster once before.

Brianna, Rose’s sister-in-law, is recovering from her fifth miscarriage, and when she looks at her adorable niece, she can’t help but see the daughter she deserves.

Then three-year-old Lily disappears from her bed in the villa. Isolated in what should have been paradise, it quickly becomes clear that one of them took her.

As one by one their secrets are uncovered, who will be destroyed next?


Publication Date: May 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

5 Responses

  1. You have abandoned your trip into the lighter side and are back to what you love most. Good review. I especially liked your line “It was a synchronized dance to make the scenes fit in seamlessly.”

    1. I keep moving back and forth. The day I am strong it is to thrillers and when I want to be comforted it is women’s fiction. But can’t yet read a police procedural and serial killers need more time for it

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