
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Anne Cater and Random Things Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.

An antibiotic resistance epidemic would be a scary thing to happen, but quite plausible in the near future. Author Eve Smith took my greatest fear as a doctor to write a convoluted, yet so convincing a plot that I had goosebumps as I read through the prose.

A powerful debut by a dynamic author, this dark read served as a beacon of light for the future. The author used all her knowledge and the research she had done to drum up a story which was absolutely at the edge of the seat kind of thriller.

Antibiotics resistance caused the governance to restrict its use. Nobody above 70 was given, where even a tiny scratch could cause their deaths. Assisted dying was encouraged for the terminal infectious cases. Set into this world were two women, one a nurse Kate, other a 69 year old woman Lily in a care home.

The author interspersed the prose with few medical truths along with the story of a botanist/scientist Mary who helped in the tuberculosis crisis in Africa. It took sheer talent to connect all their stories together like the almost tandem swirls seen through the kaleidoscope.

The subtle weaving of the different plotlines, set in Africa and UK, with three POVs, gave me the entire picture of how political machinations and personal agenda could change the world atmosphere. The perfect beginning of a pandemic.

The author’s brain was one scary place for me to reside in as I dreaded what more she could come up with. Different genres were brought into the story seamlessly. Dark horror in an essentially medical thriller set in a dystopian world, it was eerie in its premise, yet the characters brought out the humane side to the story. Not that all were nice. No siree…

Author Eve Smith was wicked all through. She linked the complex elements within a captivating prose, leaving no space for questions. At times, I felt she was a clairvoyant as things written were being seen in different parts of the world at different times. All that remained was a wicked mind.

A tale which appeared as fiction, but ask any doctor. We would all agree that every plot line in the book is a reality, just scaled down.

I won an ARC as a giveaway from the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Decades of spiralling drug resistance have unleashed a global antibiotic crisis. Ordinary infections are untreatable: a scratch from a pet can kill. A sacrifice is required to keep the majority safe: no one over seventy is allowed new antibiotics. The elderly are sent to hospitals nicknamed ‘The Waiting Rooms.’ Hospitals where no one ever gets well.
Twenty years after the crisis takes hold, Kate begins a search for her birth mother, armed only with her name and her age. As Kate unearths disturbing facts about her mother’s past, she puts her family in danger and risks losing everything.
Because Kate is not the only secret that her birth mother is hiding. Someone else is looking for her, too.
Sweeping from an all-too-real modern world to a pre-crisis South Africa, The Waiting Rooms is epic in scope, richly populated with unforgettable characters, and a tense, haunting vision of a future that is only a few mutations away.

Publication Date: April 2020

23 Responses

      1. I’ve added it to my July TBR! I actually feel bad for not having read it yet, as I won an ARC through a Twitter giveaway in March (I think)… Whoops? xD

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