
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Wendy and Partners in Crime Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.

This was a new author for me, and I was glad I have this book a try. I love police procedurals and this fit the genre to a T.

A serial killer on the prowl leaving corpses behind under the trees dressed as a bride soon found Sheriff Sam Tate on the trail. She got her team ready with some help from FBI Agent Terry Sloan and went to town with the investigation.

My first book by author Nikki Stern, there were shocks well written at regular intervals which captured my interest and kept me prodding on to finish this book at a single sitting. Sam Tate had her own personal issues, something she had witnessed in childhood which had ripples to who she was at the moment. The chemistry between her and Terry played hide-n-seek in the book. It was fun to speculate.

Coming to the investigation, the story went into the depths of it and gave a detailed purview of how these cops worked. Their strength and determination surpassed their fatigue. Seasons passed and they were still hard at work with hardly any leads. My niggles too popped up when the mid-section floundered and went slow. But it soon perked up with a hint of a lead which broke the case wide open.

And never in my faintest moments, could I ever have guessed the killer. Absolutely a shocker. Overall, a great read over the afternoon.

I received an ARC from Wendy and Partners in Crime Blog Tours, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Nikki Stern is the author of several books and has contributed essays to others. Her first novel, THE FORMER ASSASSIN, is a top five category finalist in the 2018 Kindle Book Awards. The book is a suspense thriller about a wife, mother, and ex-assassin whose boss is bent on revenge.

HOPE IN SMALL DOSES is a 2015 Eric Hoffer Montaigne Medal finalist and a 2017 BookWorks book of the week. The book is carried by the National September 11 Memorial and Museum Bookstore.

Her newest book, THE WEDDING CRASHER, introduces Sam Tate, a county sheriff with a painful past, an uncertain future, and a serial killer to catch before someone else dies. Nikki’s essays have appeared in newspapers and anthologies.

Instagram: @realnikkistern

Twitter: @realnikkistern


A dead brunette dressed like a bride shows up in Pickett County, Tennessee, the latest victim of an elusive killer known as the Wedding Crasher. Sam Tate is Pickett County’s poker-playing, yoga-loving new sheriff, a woman with a troubled past and an uncertain future. Even as she tracks the predator, she wonders: Who can she trust? Why is she a target? Can she stop more people from dying on her watch?

Publication Date: 15th April 2019

Publisher: Ruthenia Press




22 Responses

    1. This was a fun read… I like police procedurals, I wanted to join forensics. But things in my country are not too good where this branch was concerned. Hence I was discouraged from joining

  1. I also thought it would be a romcom because of the title. The Killer’s MO is so creepy especially how the victims are posed, yikes. Good to hear that it was hard to guess the unsub. My kind of read. Great review!

  2. I like a mystery where I can’t figure out the killer, but it makes sense at the end. Glad this new author delivered for you. When I read the title of this post, I thought it would be a romance or romantic comedy, boy was I surprised. Great review Shalini.

    1. Hahaha so did everyone that’s because there has been a movie with the same name. This was a thorough police procedural, slow burn. Took them a year to solve it

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