
Digital Reads Reviews

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Happy Publication Day!!

Posed VS Reality

Facebook VS Real life

3 houses and 3 families in a gated community on Parkview Road, this is their story, this is their life, this is the story of their lives.

3 women all different, Giselle with 2 kids and husband, with parties and takeaways galore, portraying the happy family Facebook life, Sally and husband with no kids portraying the high flying Facebook life, and Kate with daughter Daisy with no social footprint due to a secretive past, portraying the real life.

An accident changes this equation and life for these women is exposed. Will they become real or continue to pose on Facebook with a lot of hashtags?

Kerry Fisher has driven home this fact in every chapter showing us what really happens and what is posed. The three women though different are connected too, they are well etched, and each has layers which are exciting to read. I felt as if I was peeping into their window and then comparing it with their Facebook page photos. I felt like a proper nosy-parker, and that part was fun. Who doesn’t like a bit of gossip?!!

Of all the three, Kate was most genuine and I could connect more with her since I too do not post personal life on social media. Then came my niggles, this was no thriller, even the accident just added to the drama not a twist to the plot. The Facebook and the hashtag and the comments on pics, the viciousness of strangers was all too deja-vu for me. I am a stranger on Facebook due to racist, nasty comments. The secrets too are not very intriguing.

Overall, the realities of families and social media and the drama kept my interest going and I had fun reading this book.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Bookouture, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be found here

Are you on Facebook playing happy families and posting pictures?

Of all the emotions single mother Kate Jones feels as she walks into her brand new house on Parkview Road, hope is the most unexpected. She has changed her name and her daughter’s, and moved across the country to escape the single mistake that destroyed their lives.

Kate isn’t the only woman on the street starting afresh. Warm, whirlwind Gisela with her busy life and confident children, and sharp, composed Sally, with her spontaneous marriage and high-flying career, are the first new friends Kate has allowed herself in years. While she can’t help but envy their seemingly perfect lives, their friendship might help her leave her guilt behind.

Until one day, everything changes. Kate is called to the scene of a devastating car accident, the consequences of which will test everything the women thought they knew about each other, and themselves.

Can Kate stop her own secrets from unravelling, or was her hope for a new life in vain?

Publication Date: 22nd March 2019

Publisher: Bookouture

49 Responses

  1. I am intrigued by this one! People really intrigued me with social media but I really don’t get it! lol . The internet is a very scary place. None of us in my immediate family have a personal social media presence. I freak out at Norma for posting personal pics. lol .

    1. I am scared too… I was very active in Facebook till I was called a terrorist by friends because of my skin color… That broke me down totally for 3 months… Then I started blogging I think.. Those days my brain seemed to be in a fog.. Scary

  2. Sounds interesting enough. I always wonder when I read things on facebook about how much people post. I do post pictures and images of my grandkids or things I see when away on vacation, but that is about it. Some people post the most personal things and I always wonder why, but to each his own. Glad you enjoyed this one somewhat. It sounds more dramatic than thriller to me as well.

    1. I can’t do that anymore. I have had racist comments against me on Facebook so I have deleted all photos from it… This is the social media generation, not my style anymore

  3. It’s crazy that people attack others online. Sorry to hear about your experiences, Shalini.
    I like the sound of the social media angle in this story since it sounds really realistic. This is one of my next reads so hoping to enjoy it. I am glad you had fun with it. Lovely review.

    1. This was not attacking on social media but this was about posting everything and all the pics posted were fake… I couldn’t do that… I would be too scared.
      I was attacked on Facebook because of my skin color and called a terrorist by ‘friends’ I went into shock for 3 months. Facebook didn’t bother to ask me to prove myself in spite of complaint against me. But I deleted all friends from there. It was horrible…

  4. Another great review, Shalini! It’s Spring Break here so everyone’s posting about their vacations with their families and blah, blah, blah. I’ll be honest. I hate FB. I used to like it way back when it first came out, back when it used to be fun. Now I can’t stand it. I think it’s more geared toward the younger generation now. I can totally relate to your sentiments. There’s too much hate out there in social media, and it’s not just FB. I wish everyone would just be nice and stop bashing each other. But, alas, that’s not the way of the world. Someone’s going to be an asshole no matter what. Hope you have a great weekend filled with fun reads!

    1. Leslie, I think the anonymity of the internet makes them feel brave. I don’t think they have the courage to live in the real world. And of course, they have a lot of free time to think about ways to hurt people. I too don’t like social media… I keep it to minimum and no personal posts at all. It is too scary.

  5. So true. I had some creepy stalker send me naked pics once. At first, I was shocked. Then hubby and I just laughed about it. I mean, come on, what was the guy thinking? It’s a strange world indeed. But the good thing about the internet is that it made it possible for me to meet a good person like you, and you are definitely one of best best! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. There you go melting my heart till it is a big puddle of love.
      Naked pics eeeuuu… Why are people such weirdos… Why are men dumb… Ah well men =dumb so it goes together.
      And I love you back so much 😘❤️

    1. This was a fun book.. After reading it, I am hoping you would put up lots of pics with lots of hashtags on Facebook 😉😉😉😉😂😂😂😂😂

  6. Judging from the comments, people, including you, Shalini, have very strong opinions about social media with good reason. There is just too much opportunity there for hatred, obscenity, etc. That is just too much negativity. Even the positive “perfect” life stuff is harmful to some people; it makes them feel “less than.” It can be a big time waster too. I do have a Facebook page, and I post links to my blog on it, but I regularly re-examine even that exposure wondering if that is something I really want.

    1. I do have a page and a account but I don’t interact with anyone. I have seen people change in that. No idea why they think they are better than me since I am from a different country… You are right, too much negativity

  7. This sounds almost too true to be enjoyable, you know? I like thrillers and even women’s fiction, but when it gets so close to reality that I feel like I’m just reading about my own life, then I back off. Your review is perfect, well written and personal. I appreciate that, thank you.

  8. Great review, Shalini!! Sorry it didn’t thrill you.
    I sent you an email early this week or maybe it was late last week. 🤔 I hope you got it. 😊

  9. I’m sorry to hear you had negative experiences like that! I haven’t been active on FB for ages… And I don’t tend to post a lot of personal photos (my social media is mostly book related now 😉 ) Wonderful review!

      1. That’s so horrible! One of the reasons I try to avoid revealing my full name with things blogger related… I’m pretty much a ghost on Facebook and only keep my account for the travel photos I have stored there.

  10. Love your review. I’d want more thriller in this too, but social media is an interesting and terrifying place. I love you and if I ever saw someone say anything remotely close to rude to you, there would be hell to pay. I love you!❤❤❤❤

    1. Oh baby, I love you back 💖💖 I wish I had known you when I had been called a terrorist and a fake doctor. 😔 They people are terrible and quite racist in Facebook

        1. Aww there you go making my eyes all teary. Jessica, in my life I have met really horrible people, but you are one of the best human I have ever come across. I do not know how to say it in words when my heart is full. But I will try.

          You came into my life quietly
          You stood by me silently
          I looked back, wondrously
          Your support held me lovingly
          I was walking a bit lonely
          You held my hand softly
          You gave your heart unconditionally
          My heart went to you happily

          Hope this makes sense. I am crying so I can’t think
          All I can say thank you
          In my language there is a phrase BHAGWAN KE BANDE
          that means God’s people, somebody who personifies God. You are that person for me. I must have done some good deed in this lifetime or the past, that I found you

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